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Comment Re:Vs self-interest doesn't exist, politicians are (Score 1) 351

Mainstream economics relies on a great many assumptions. For instance the "law" of supply and demand assumes perfect competition, perfect information (including about the future), perfectly flexible prices, wages and production etc. etc.
If any of these assumptions are relaxed even a little the "law" doesn't work.
In fact they are not simplifying assumptions, they are false assumptions and anything that flows logically from them is also false.

There are several "models" of Socialism. What they all have in common is increased democratic worker control, not politicians. You are probably thinking of Soviet style State Capitalism. That is not considered Socialism by most Socialists these days.

Comment Don't believe anything (Score 1, Troll) 260

Most of the media in Venezuela is not controlled by the government, it is owned and controlled by capitalist oligarchs just like in the US.

And just like in the US there is a shitstorm of disinformation being pumped out by everyone. In fact the gaslighting has gone global.

And why should Maduro cede power? He just won an election. If the opposition wanted to win they should have taken part.

Want to know what to think? Ask the old old question: Who benefits? Then follow the money.

Comment It happened to me too (Score 1) 135

I was chatting to my phone company about my modem. They lulled me into a false sense of security by asking for info I'd already given. But a bit later I thought better of a somewhat tetchy paragraph and replaced it with a calmer one. Then they referred to something in the paragraph I had not sent.
Then they offered to call me and I had a friendly conversation with a nice young lady who fixed my problem. I was left wondering: good customer service, or psychological warfare?

Comment Re:Well, this is dumb (Score 2) 273

Orthodox. When a physicist uses that word he is pointing up the element of faith involved, and probably implying that he doesn't believe it.

There is around a dozen interpretations (what does it mean, really?) of quantum mechanics.

I remember reading a while back about a convention where they took an anonymous poll of which interpretations the attendees favoured. To everyone's surprise Many Worlds was the most popular.

Comment Macroeconomics (Score 1) 899

What would be the macroeconomic effects of UBI and JG?

UBI is inflationary: you are handing out money, and it would have to be a lot, without getting anything back.

A Job Guarantee on the other hand acts as an inflation anchor. Because it is a buffer stock of employed people it damps oscillations in the business cycle.

Note that the JG is an idea that has been developed over 20 years by economists. The UBI has a 100 year history but economists tend not to like it too much.

You can find a recent paper on the JG here which answers a lot of FAQs.

Submission + - A New Biofilament for Your 3D Printer (

smugfunt writes: Taking inspiration from a kind of mushroom, scientists from Singapore have created a polymer composite from cellulose and chitosan, both abundant natural materials, which has properties a bit like wood and a bit like plastic. It is less dense than both and can be extruded as a paste before drying to a solid material that can be finished with normal woodworking tools. It also sticks strongly to wood.
It is biodegradable and needs no harsh solvents or extreme conditions to produce.
They call it Fungus-Like Additive Material or FLAM and say it costs about a tenth the price of PLA or ABS filament.

Comment Re:Pension (Score 1) 493

Private companies have not been able to promise unfunded pensions for decades - it's a moral issue that the government is allowed to continue this practice.

It really isn't. Unlike private companies, the government can create money ex nihilo. It can pay its bills, any size, any time, simply by typing numbers into a computer. It does not need to prefund anything, nor does it need to tax or borrow money in order to spend.

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