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Comment I read the link of the "detailed analysis" (Score 1) 267

I'm not convinced. If the flight had been powered, the photos would not merely have been on the wall among many others, with no place of special interest. This argues that they indicate nothing special and that they show kites. Also, the description at the end of the article that mentions the sound of the wings flapping indicates the "flight" was that of a kite. He doesn't mention the obvious: the sound of an engine and what would have been the wap wap wap of a large slowly moving propeller or propellers. Mention chestnut trees, but not the most important part of powered flight, the powerplant. And as for the photo of an "engine," I believe it is an engine. What we have in this series of photos is a premature display of what Whitehead wanted to do in the future, that is, put THIS ENGINE into THIS KITE and produce POWERED FLIGHT! So, why would "journalists" (read men selling newspapers for a living) exaggerate what had actually happened? What did they have to gain? Newspaper sales. People buy newspapers to read about the extraordinary event, not just another kite flight. Been there, done that.

Using my massive human-powered image analysis program I came to the conclusion that there is a crowd in front of that image of a flying kite - a crowd complete with old-timey women's hats and men's bowlers - and if there had been a gasoline engine going and a propeller wapping I doubt they would have been that close.

Jane's is just bored and decided to engage in revising history (to sell.....).

Comment Naive (Score 1) 347

The law is what they say it is. Don't try to use logic to determine what is legal and what is not. See the TV Show "Law and Order" to get the idea. Watch the prosecutors stretch and massage the law to cover anything they want covered, criminalize anyone they want in jail. I believe that represents reality. If he's really going to create and maintain a bitcoin gambling site Michael Hajduk should stock up on cigarettes and practice keeping his mud together because he's headed to jail sooner or later, probably sooner. Being clever with the law isn't clever, it's just stupid.

Comment Gynocentrism (Score 1) 690

Girls do better because females are more passive and accepting by nature. Education demands and rewards passive acceptance of all that is presented. Yes, girls do better at memorizing and regurgitating what they are supposed to in order to get degrees; but what are we losing? We are losing that aggressive male creativity and irritation and doubt that has advanced humankind since the beginning. We are advancing mere female "doership" over male creative aggression. The consequences are obvious. We will see a decrease in creativity in all spheres of human endeavor: government, industry, technology and life in general. Women will be able to excellently do that which already is. They will not be able to doubt what is and advance all areas of human interest. They just don't do that. We are severely at risk of stagnation in all areas of human striving with the rise in the demand for and reward of the female passive learning style. The rise of female excellent mediocrity will stall human advance. I feel Einstein would not be able to get into a physics program today, much less graduate from one. A passive, accepting female with much better marks and better learning style would probably beat him out. Her professors would no doubt like her better for that too.

Comment It is clear (Score 1) 336

that this is not perverse; it is natural. Man is doing this and it is the inevitable result of his intelligence. Nature is learning that intelligence in a species is pathological. The experiment in intelligence is showing that it is better to have dumb animals that do not change the environment than smart animals that do. The smart animals end up wiping themselves out in biological short order. The sustainable "human" was the Neanderthal.

Comment When are (Score 1) 292

we going to finally say no to these out-of-control children? Is it when they demand a collider that encircles the Earth for chasing the gimmeallyourcash-on? Just because it is science doesn't mean it has to be done and has to be done now. I suggest that finding out things about the Higgs boson and other exotics is a goal of such mindbending uselessness that it can very well be left for another century.

Comment The Bloody Responsibility (Rambo Effect) (Score 1) 2987

It belongs to the entertainment industry. The problem is the coupling of justice with violence. I've seen this bloody development in movies, tv, and computer games over my lifetime. The hero is done bad to by some bad guy or guys, the hero takes it over and over again until he decides not to, then he goes on a bloody over-the-top rampage of justified violence against the bad guys, against those who have tortured him. The audience roars in approval, feeling the good guy is finally getting justice and his violence against the bad guys is fully justified. We all feel good. We all feel good about it from a young age and over and over and over again. This is the way to do it. The body count increases in each decade. The "creative" ways that masses of people are killed becomes more clever and more sick. We are a society spinning downward by elevating psychopathy to a position of the norm in our entertainment and we all act surprised when it spills over into the real world. It isn't guns. There have always been guns. What has changed is our toleration of bloody murder and revenge as entertainment. Holding up guns as the problem is cowardly. Let's accept the obvious: children learn from the entertainment they are soaked in from birth. Let's stop admiring the producers of violent revenge themed movies and games. Let's stop the Rambo Effect on society.

Comment Actually (Score 1) 604

I suspect that because humans and machines will be driving together that there will actually be MORE accidents. Humans can mostly predict what humans will do. We can even predict what somewhat erratic humans will do - they will be erratic. But can we predict what a computer program from THIS manufacturer will do versus what THAT one will do when it applies its logic function and perception to any particular fluid situation? I don't think so. And if they give us driving program version 2.0, tweaked to be better than 1.0, how many accidents will there be before we discern the difference and accomodate our driving to it? Oh, NOW it tends to do THIS in this situation when before it tended to do THAT. OOPs, crash. When I get to a particular exit I pull back and leave room because I know that people are going to pull across the striped barrier after realizing belatedly that they are in the wrong lane. Also, I'm aware that commuting road warriors will come from the fastest lane two lanes to my left to suddenly make the exit at high speed. Ok, it works. I've also come to be able to predict the people who will be cutting in long before they do and allow room for them. What the subtle signs are I'm not entirely sure. We humans accomodate ourselves to the situation and the speed of the commute is faster for it. But will a machine do this? Probably not. It will probably do the legal, much slower thing and the commute will come to a grinding halt. We humans conspire beautifully to reach our common goals. I suspect this will be far too difficult for a computer program.

Comment I'm sure it sounds good (Score 1) 604

But the problem is that morality is not a module that is plugged into things. You can't program ethics and morality. Ethics and morality come from the human motivation array which comes from the evolutionary process of millions of years of trial-and-error change. We are not going to be able to condense that down into lines of code. Try as we humans might, we cannot program a human.

Comment Man... (Score 1) 253

So now they are essentially trying to patent radio. If they get this patent, you can expect them to wake up and realize that sometime in the future and then watch the ridiculous lawsuits fly. What a joke. When will the patent madness end?

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