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Comment Re:So.... (Score 4, Insightful) 265

If you perturb them, it just re-stabilizes at a new equilibrium point.

Right. But that may takes hundreds of thousands or millions of years and a mass extinction. That new equilibrium point may not be something we want, and it may be completely devoid of humans. A desert is in equilibrium. So is Antarctica. So yes, the environment and the Earth will trudge along and find a stable point, but that doesn't give us free reign to introduce invasive species.

Comment Re:Please do (Score 3, Interesting) 385

I had this proof of concept for how to infest even well guarded VM-secured analysis centers to the point of taking them offline or making them my bitch on my PC

Good luck with that. I don't know if you watched Skyfall one too many times, but all of those centers are disconnected from the internet and run on their own network, precisely for this reason.

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