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Comment Re:I DON'T want windows 10 (Score 3, Interesting) 96

You can't rearrange the items on the menu; it's all alphabetical.

You can still pin items, in the tile area. They can be rearranged not only vertically (like in Windows 7) but also horizontally now.

The text in "All Apps" section is huge and absurdly widely-spaced, making even a short list of apps go on forever.

If you click on the headers (0-9, A, B, C, etc.) it will zoom out to show the full list of headers, and clicking on one can take you straight to that section.

Even if you remove all the live tiles, the menu still takes up a huge amount of space.

Incorrect. If you remove all live tiles, you can collapse the Start menu to a much smaller space than the Windows 7 Start menu. Or make it any size all the way up to full screen. Your choice.

Comment Re:Basically (Score 1) 96

Except the upgrade from W7 SP1 doesn't work. There's no option to upgrade even with KB3035583 installed and proper activation from bought deliverables.

You can't upgrade because it's not available. It doesn't show yet because either the update could not determine if your machine is compatible, you're running a pirated version of Windows, or you've turned off or blocked Windows Update. https://www.microsoft.com/en-u...

Comment Re:get rid of ALL THE MONEY, every cent (Score 3) 233

This is a deeply unpopular idea. Only 6% of Americans opt to direct a portion of their taxes to public election funding, despite costing them nothing to do so.

I don't know about everyone else, but I don't check that box because I would rather see that $3 go toward improving our infrastructure, reducing our debt, and a host of other things before I want it to go toward a political campaign. Campaigns already have too much funding as it is, why do they need more?

But it's different when campaigns only receive funding through the general budget. The Presidential Election Campaign Fund checkbox would disappear under these new rules, because it would no longer be funded by choice.

I see. So the Nazi Party, and the "Keg Party" would get the same funding as the Democrats and Republicans. We would soon have ten thousand political parties.

Who gets to decide who is a "candidate"?

There already exist ballot access rules that regulate whether someone can get on the ballot. Only candidates who appear on a ballot would be provided with campaign funding.

(Besides, the two party system is a problem, not something to cherish.)

Comment Re:get rid of ALL THE MONEY, every cent (Score 1) 233

Why? Most money goes to paying for commercials on TV. The actual cost to run campaign is far less that what is being raised.

Sure, but the amount of money required for campaigning is still non-zero. Strict campaign funding rules are needed even if the cost isn't exorbitant.

Comment Re:get rid of ALL THE MONEY, every cent (Score 2) 233

no PACs, no tax checkoffs, no self-funding, no $5 checks from little old ladies... NO ELECTION MONEY PERIOD! go door to door, do a Sunday Silly Hour like BBC does and give all candidates their 5 minutes of TV

This is a nice ideal, but money has to be spent (in some form) so long as there is a goal to educate the people about the candidates.

I'd prefer:

1) all campaign funding to be provided from the general budget, equally to all candidates
2) a centralized government website for candidates to specify their opinions, answers, and rebuttals about the major issues, such that (at least some of) the data can be printed and distributed free-of-charge to any voting citizen that requests it... again all funded from the general budget

Comment Re:Equality (Score 1) 490

I think a better example would be skirts. It is socially acceptable for a woman to go to work either in pants or a skirt. However, if I (as a male) came to work in a skirt I would be asked into the bosses office and told to go home and get changed.

And of course it goes much further than that. A man wearing a skirt or dress would be ridiculed in most of areas of society, no matter how good the guy looks or how manly the skirt/dress is.

I find it interesting that men have just a few more legal rights when it comes to dress (men can show their chests in public) but our society actually gives women many more options... pretty much everything a man can wear, plus skirts, low-cut shirts, high heels, nail polish, makeup, not even to mention that there are not many public places where it would be acceptable for a man to take off his shirt anyway.

Comment Re:I don't think it means what you think it means (Score 1) 277

Based on the response Microsoft got when Xbox One was announced as online-only, and considering that Xbox One is a lot more likely to exist in an always-connected environment than the thousands of different types of Windows machines, it would require extreme stupidity to try the same with Windows.

I wouldn't worry much about that.

Comment Re:I don't think it means what you think it means (Score 1) 277

In any event, MS would be ill advised to open source anything. As soon as they do, they are no longer the only source for updates, and once they are no longer the only source for updates, they will no longer be the *best* source for updates, since it is likely that a young upstart company with some intelligence behind it is going to be able to run rings around MS.

It would still be the only official source for updates. Windows would almost certainly not accept third-party sources by default.

Comment Re:I don't think it means what you think it means (Score 0) 277

So, I don't think it is a slippery slope

Well none of what you wrote above that is a slippery slope, or relevant, because Windows 10 is not using a subscription model. This conversation is mostly hypothetical.

I don't trust them to play fairly and honestly.

You have your opinion, that's fair. Mine is, I somewhat trust them because they currently need to make themselves trustworthy. This isn't the same stale Microsoft from the monopoly days that knew they had no legitimate competition... this is a fresh Microsoft with a new direction, new leadership, and a birth of openness unparalleled in their history.

It's my computer, not theirs.

If it's really your computer, then you'd know how to uninstall an update.

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