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Submission + - Data From Windows 10 Feedback Tool Exposes Problem Areas

jones_supa writes: Two weeks in, and already 1 million people have tried out Windows 10 Technical Preview, reports Microsoft, along with a nice stack of other stats and feedback. Only 36% of installations are occurring inside a virtual machine. 68% of Windows 10 Technical Preview users are launching more than 7 apps per day, with somewhere around 25% of testers using Windows 10 as their daily driver (26 app launches or more per day). With the help of Windows 10's built-in feedback tool, thousands of testers have made it very clear that Microsoft's new OS still has lots of irksome bugs and misses many much-needed features. ExtremeTech has posted an interesting list of the most popular gripes received, them mostly being various GUI endurances. What has your experience been with the Technical Preview?

Submission + - Microsoft's JavaScript Engine Gets Two-Tiered Compilation

jones_supa writes: The Internet Explorer team at Microsoft recently detailed changes to the JavaScript engine coming in Windows 10. A significant change is the addition of a new tier in the Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler. In Windows 10, the Chakra JS engine now includes a second JIT compiler that bridges the gap between slow, interpreted code and fast, optimized code. It uses this middle-tier compiler, called Simple JIT, as a "good enough" layer that can move execution away from the interpreter quicker than the Full JIT can. Microsoft claims that the changes will allow certain workloads to "run up to 30% faster". The move to a two-tiered JIT compiler structure mirrors what other browsers have done. SpiderMonkey, the JavaScript engine in Firefox, has an interpreter and two compilers: Baseline and IonMonkey. In Google Chrome, the V8 JavaScript engine is also a two-tiered system. It does not use an interpreter, but compiles on a discrete background thread.

Comment Re:Nobody claims open source software has no flaws (Score 1) 265

But I bet you'd see some interesting differences if you compare the time between when an open-source vulnerability is reported and when it is fixed to the same interval for a commercial, closed source alternative, you'd see that known vulnerabilities exist for a much shorter time in a well-supported open source product.

Take a look at bug trackers of OSS projects sometimes. They are full of known bugs which have been waiting for fix for months or years. Around the time when Heartbleed was discovered, there was another bug reported 4 years ago and no one had taken the responsibility to fix it. It even had a CVE record.

Comment Re:Yes its very different. (Score 1) 265

For security it is not enough that anyone can read the source code. In practice people rarely have the time or patience to churn through projects that can be 10k or 100k lines of code, just looking for dragons for fun. If we really want to get this right, there must be professional, thorough, provable and documented code audits.

Submission + - Finnish Police Suggests Big Euro Notes to Be Taken Out of Circulation (

jones_supa writes: The Finnish Police is concerned that larger banknotes, namely the 200 euro and 500 euro banknotes, encourage criminal activity and should therefore be removed from the Finnish cash circulation. Head of the Money Laundering Clearing House of Finland, Markku Ranta-aho, says criminals prefer cash because it is harder for police to track. In contrast, a record of electronic money transfers remains in the banking system, which makes the police's job considerably easier. Ranta-aho also says that citizens rarely use the larger banknotes anyway, with which The Bank of Finland's advisor Kari Takala agrees. However, The Bank of Finland is sceptical about the ability of a ban on 500 euro banknotes to eliminate underground labour and trade in Finland. Takala suggests that criminals would just switch to smaller bills. More illegal transactions take place via bank transfers, he says.

Comment Re:And this being samsung... (Score 2) 92

... their software will look like a 2000 era flash app made by a 13 year old, be even slower than that and receive absolutely no updates; if there is even a minor problem with the standard, you will have to buy a new adapter to get the fix.

The background of that app is a grey gradient with lots of uneven banding. Over that there is text drawn with white MS Sans Serif font. When you change Windows DPI setting, the text becomes larger, but also horribly aliased and can't fit the window anymore. There is a button to check for updates, but you have never seen it find one. "Check update ..." "No update found !" When you restore the app from system tray you can see how it slowly paints its GUI. Then when you exit the app, it pops up a message box with the text "Error: NULL".

Comment Re:No Google (Score 1) 210

The point is that you *can* read the source code. *Anyone* has that ability, or can learn to do so. Many people do so.

Almost no one but the actual developers of the project read the source code. Software projects are so large these days that people seldom wade through the multiple thousands lines of code just for fun.

Here's an experiment people here can do: download the source code of some small project and read it thoroughly. Just try what it feels like. Understanding how the program actually works can take surprisingly big amount of time.

Do that experiment now.

Comment Problematic for Linux too (Score 2) 94

This is also the reason why I cringe when the backend of Linux distros is often woven together with shell scripts. You have to be super careful to write code with proper input validation, and all the related tools must retain their interfaces or you get weird "Invalid argument" type of breakage. Then there are things like Shellshock which immediately made the dhclient script vulnerable. It's all just too dangerous. And I didn't even begin to talk about the slow parsing of scripts and the forking overhead of every little process the script calls.

Comment Re:It's okay when I do it... (Score 2, Insightful) 429

On the other hand, the cheapness of cloud bandwidth has eliminated all the legal utility of bit torrent for me. "Large" legal collections of things tend to be available for straight download nowadays.

Cloud distribution is probably also much more efficient.

Don't get me wrong, I think BitTorrent is very cool technological achievement. But transferring data between semi-random hosts around the globe and opening hundreds of TCP connections per computer while doing it, is like the ultimate way to clog the pipes.

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