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Comment This is not the first time (Score 1) 722

This is not the first time that Netflix increases its prices and there is an outrage. And there have always been those predictions that this will be the beginning of the end. So much for that... I will stay a Netflix customer even though my 3 DVD out and streaming will go up by $5 (a 15% or so hike). It just makes good business sense to me to unbundle the mail-order and the streaming departments considering that the latter will go up in price a lot for Netflix.

Comment Looks like most folks here do not have children (Score 1) 561

I agree with the original poster that Google should offer a Kid search engine or a kid's version of YouTube. That would be awesome and I am very sure a lot of schools would love this concept as well. That said, there are plenty solutions available that can be implemented on the client side. I have absolutely no stake in any of the following companies but I am a father of three and love what they offer. My kids love Zoodles which is pretty much a collection of age appropriate content for kids of all ages. You can find a lot more in the educational arena, like Nick Boost or PBS Kids. Just pick your children's favorite TV channel and chances are they have a lot of online content for your child to play with. Getting age appropriate content is very easy. Even on the search engine side of things we have kid safe offerings. There is Kid Rex and plenty other Google based search engines. Last but not least you should make sure your child can only access child appropriate URLs. For that you can choose any of the web browsers and built-in OS mechanisms to restrict web access. My favorite child browsers are KidZui and the now defunct Kid's Browser.

Comment Re:More Knuth is Always Welcome (Score 1) 176

Well, according to his own website ( his plan is to finish volume 5 by 2020 and will then revisit volumes 1-3 to update them. And only then, and if he's still alive, will ge start on volumes 6 and 7, which he doesn't count as "central core of computer programming for sequential machines", though.

Comment Re:what? linuxconf? (Score 2) 539

Yeah, that was weird. In some bullet point the author is missing the times when Linux was "hard" to install and in another he is missing tools like linuxconf. No UNIX admin needs configuration tools to do his/her job. All you need is vi.

Comment Still happy with Solaris and Oracle gear BUT... (Score 3, Informative) 235

we did move our hardware support to a third party company. Oracle's pricing is ridiculous compared to what we were used to with Sun. In addition Oracle was just unable to get us renewal quotes for equipment we have installed overseas in time. We still have to keep some support contract with Oracle, though, in order to have software support for Solaris. If you do the math we probably still pay about the same for annual support but at least we don't have to deal with Oracle anymore to get a drive replaced.

Kongregate App Pulled From Android Market 139

itwbennett writes "Last week Google took a page from Apple's book and pulled the Arcade by Kongregate app from the Android Market for violating its terms of service. In particular, the part that forbids distributing 'any Product whose primary purpose is to facilitate the distribution of Products outside of the Market.' As Kongregate's Jim Greer explained to Joystiq, the app is essentially a custom web browser that loads in a Flash game from the mobile version of Kongregate. Plus, it will cache the game so you can play offline. And this may be the feature that got it yanked, speculates Ryan Kim at GigaOm."

"Farming" Amoebas Discovered 49

Researchers from Rice University have found a type of amoeba that practices a sort of "primitive farming behavior." When their bacteria food become scarce, the Dictyostelium discoideum will group together and form a "fruiting body" that will disperse bacteria spores to a new area. From the article: "The behavior falls short of the kind of 'farming' that more advanced animals do; ants, for example, nurture a single fungus species that no longer exists in the wild. But the idea that an amoeba that spends much of its life as a single-celled organism could hold short of consuming a food supply before decamping is an astonishing one. More than just a snack for the journey of dispersal, the idea is that the bacteria that travel with the spores can 'seed' a new bacterial colony, and thus a food source in case the new locale should be lacking in bacteria." It's good to know that even a single celled creature is not immune to the pull of Farmville.

Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 266

Ditto. Fed up with Firefox causing the beach ball on my Mac too many times (I am very sure this was caused by Flash, though) and other weird things like Javascript stopped working until I restarted the browser and page print outs that were cut-off I tried out Chrome. Once I installed similar extensions like the ones I loved on Firefox I don't think I'll ever switch back.

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