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User Journal

Journal Journal: Baby crying

The baby currently cries a lot which is supposedly what a baby does. The bad thing is he cries during feedings which is supposed to soothe the baby. The baby does not become soothed it is the opposite of soothed at times. So that's very very frustrating.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tired of it

We're getting a new invoice system to interface with our tax system from an outside vendor.

It's been 11 days and counting. They said it would take 5. We can't do it on our own because it's their software and we're adding one of their modules blah blah blah.

So we're waiting and waiting.

Gah, idiots.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Long and Short

My wife is nine months pregnant and ready to be done.

I have to finish painting the freaking kitchen as the color match was off. Stupid Home Depot.

I still have to paint the basement and the living room.

Too much painting.

My nephew is a wild kid. So how do you discipline someone who isn't your kid? He runs around screaming in the house and his father says, "Stop being such a goofball." Five seconds later it's running around and screaming again.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Death

My father-in-law died a week ago on Friday night. He was 57. A sudden massive heart attack took him on the night that he flew in from Georgia where he was working.

So it sucks.

He was going to meet his newest grandkid Austin Chase and in three months he would've met his other grandkid after he was born. Instead, we had to spend Saturday picking out coffins.

User Journal

Journal Journal: WoW

I did the jump to WoW and it's an entertaining game. I like a lot of what they did but the jump is jarring to say the least. I hate the chat system as CoH looks so much better in that regard. I don't like the mapping system as it's annoying to meander around looking for things.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Miss it.

WoW or CoH.

One of my playgroup jumped ship and went to WoW and now another has bought the game. Another person who wasn't doing the CoH thing is playing WoW now.

So, do I jump ship and come back for CoV?


User Journal

Journal Journal: Long short week

It was a long week even though it was actually 4 days only.

Stupid server went down at 10:30 at night. Wouldn't come up at all so I had to drive the 40 minutes to see what was going on. It was either that or have people wonder why their e-mail wasn't working when they got in at 7.

And also I got roped into going to the shower though I don't want to.

And the stupid faucet wouldn't get fixed.

And I just want to play games for a whole day.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Stupid Google trick

Rules: Google for "YOURNAME is" (e.g. "Jürgen is", don't forget the quotes). Copy and paste ten sentences you like from the results. That's your Google-Profile.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Vacation

So where do you vacation?

It's a question that I thought didn't bug me but it came up this weekend. We got together with several relatives and while chatting some people started talking about vacation. The vacation that was mentioned was in Mexico.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tired again

I'm tired again today as I haven't been sleeping all that well the last few weeks. I think now that the wife is pregnant she moves and therefore the dogs move and therefore I'm not getting my sleep.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Sure they will

Republicans in Washington are trying to get a new election for governor after the Dems had a recount and 129 votes become the margin for the Dems.

Now the Republicans are trying to get that tossed due to voter error.

Okay, everyone knows that the elections are messed up in some way, shape, or form. Usually it doesn't matter on the large stage of things as the margin is too much. But it seems over in WA the margin is 129.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Weekend

The weekend is approaching and guess what's on the agenda?

Mowing lawn.
Mowing lawn.
Clean attic.
Clean house.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Meh

Ever have one of those days?

It just feels like you're dragging.

So slow and tired today.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Deal

So the filibuster deal went down. Pork was probably involved somehow but that won't be announced.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Thursday

My wife has been getting grief for saying she is staying home with our kid once it's born.

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