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Comment If you can rip it off in days... (Score 1) 113

"years of hard work undermined by someone who cobbles together a clone in a matter of weeks or days"

Sorry but if I can reproduce the game in entirety in days, then what you've done is years of dicking around.

It's time we stopped babying everyone who got the hang of 2D graphics and sound in Android like they've invented the internet.

Comment Re:Mandatory panic! (Score 1) 421

"our culture is a culture of fear and cowardice :( plain and simple, when we all realise this collectively (lets hope it doesn't take a collective ass kicking) we'll grow up"

Your culture is a culture of guns. You don't even need to grow up about it if you just stop letting people shoot at each other all day long.

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 1) 502

The original question (in my filtered view) was asking whether you'd be happy with China demanding information stored on US Microsoft servers.

If you're saying that question is hypothetical because China isn't the US then I disagree. Microsoft does business in China. The Chinese government could assert that its control over that data also extends to the US, in exactly the same way as has occurred here.

I don't think people would be anywhere near as comfortable with that.

Comment Thanks again console chumps! (Score 1) 75

Thanks guys but would you fucking stop now? First you decide locked-in un-upgradeably consoles are cool. Then you decide DRM-laden games are cool.

Now you're going to make the industry think we all want to rent games ad-inifinitum. For fuck's sake STOP!!!

I sometimes like to play my games from 10 years ago. Will you be able to do that? FFS...

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