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Comment There are certain things capitalism can't produce (Score 5, Interesting) 562

Capitalism can't produce common goods. Internet would've never had existed if it weren't for the US government. It was created in an academic environment, by passionate people that cared about the advance of technolog (indirectly: of mankind). Internet advanced quickly, different protocols appeared, once replacing the other (Gopher, SMTP, HTTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, etc.).

Then the companies came. Those set of protocols froze, some began to fade. Companies didn't care about "what's right". They didn't care about advance the network. The HTTP/1.0 -> 1.1 transition took years, and still hasn't finished (e.g. http pipelining). IMAP mail stalled, and got replaced by webmail. Multicast was never deployed at large. Newsgroups got replaced by phpbb.

These companies hate Internet. If they praise it, it's only when they realize they can't afford to ignore it (or destroy it).

Comment Re:Bolivia's new future (Score 1) 291

You certainly don't sound like you know. Saying "trust me, it was my minor" is not very interesring or useful... The US has a history of messing with LA, an History other countries don't have. Nnot only private companies, but the CIA itself had participated in many LA tragedies. Go read a bit about this, very interesting.

Comment The big question (Score 2, Interesting) 207

The big question is if Oracle will keep being Oracle. This company has swallowed something bigger than him. Oracle might be more firmly sat on top of a revenue generator product, but Sun is a much larger operation, involving a dektop presence pretention, mobile, high end hardware design, high end software (Solaris), etc. (That's a reason IBM was a less conflicting buyer for Sun). In turn, Oracle sells a databse, and some enterprise programming tools, they have a much narrower scope (even the name implies this focus).

Perhaps, Oracle should rename themselves to Sun, and just sell a database called Oracle. =)


Twitter On Scala 324

machaut writes "Twitter, one of the highest profile Ruby on Rails-backed websites on the Internet, has in the past year started replacing some of their Ruby infrastructure with an emerging language called Scala, developed by Martin Odersky at Switzerland's École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Although they still prefer Ruby on Rails for user-facing web applications, Twitter's developers have started replacing Ruby daemon servers with Scala alternatives, and plan eventually to serve API requests, which comprise the majority of their traffic, with Scala instead of Ruby. This week several articles have appeared that discuss this shift at Twitter. A technical interview with three Twitter developers was published on Artima. One of those developers, Alex Payne, Twitter's API lead, gave a talk on this subject at the Web 2.0 Expo this week, which was covered by Technology Review and The Register."

Comment Re:More than two sides (Score 1) 1306

This "purpose of the bible" is a new thing. That wasn't the idea of religious people until the last few centuries. As long as science advanced, there was no other choice than fall back... And if that's the purpose of the Bible... why does it leaves so much to interpretation. According to what passage we choouse we could think that it's asking us to kill all homosexuals, or to love everybody, or that jews who don't believe in Jesus are "sons of their father the devil"....

Besides, the bible does describe in detail the creation of our world. And it tells a story that, as I said in my first message, is wrong even as a metaphor.

Christianism is really incompatible with science. In that regard, I think the real fanatics are the real honest here. Accepting both science and the birth of Jesus from a Virgin is having a big unsolved puzzled in your head, and trying hard not to ever solve it.

Comment Re:More than two sides (Score 2, Interesting) 1306

Evolution is compatible with your believes because you are inconsistent in them, and you choose to randomly accept or reject parts of "The Book" so as to not challenge "your believes". According to the Bible god himself created all animals at once, and presented them to Adam so that he would name them. That implies that all animals were there when the first human walked on earth, and implies that animals are separate creations. And this is only a sample of the incompatibilities...

Comment Re:Filesystems in the kernel! (Score 5, Informative) 265

It doesn't work like that. The kernel never uses its own filesystems' support to load itself... How could it if it hasn't been loaded yet? That's the job of a "boot loader". The most user boot loader currently is Grub, and previously was Lilo.

Grub supports some filesystems, so it can access them and load the kernel. Lilo did not support filesystem, so there was a tool that you needed to run each time you changed the kernel. That tool built a list of blocks, so that Lilo could load the kernel (from those blocks) without really understanding the filesystem.

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