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Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

And it annoys the hell out of normal hearing people, especially those living close to an intersection. Please, there's enough noise as it is.

If it's too quiet to be heard inside of a car then it definitely will be too quite to be heard inside your house quite a bit further away.

I live about a block away from an intersection (as the crow flies) with an audible tone for the walk light and can often hear it in my house late at night on quiet evenings. It's a bit annoying, but you learn to tune it out once you realize what "that damn buzzing is"...

Comment Re:Tradition (Score 1) 681

It shows up when you push the start key, but after you've typed in the name of the program you want to run and clicked on it ...

So, I have to click, type a program name, then click again. Aren't modern GUIs great? And when you and Windows disagree as to the program "name" (i.e., the "search" fails)? [ A real example from Unity (admittedly, a while ago): I wanted the start Thunderbird, but had to type "email" for it to actually find it, even though the executable was actually named "thunderbird" - sigh. ]

Comment Probably? (Score 0) 186

Larry Page said, "We get so worried about these things that we don't get the benefits Right now we don't data-mine healthcare data. If we did we'd probably save 100,000 lives next year." By "these things," he means privacy concerns and fear that the data might be misused.

And by "probably save 100,000 lives next year" Larry means "some numbers I pulled out of my ass to make this idea sound good".

Comment Re:Doesn't give warm fuzzies (Score 4, Interesting) 162

What frightens me is the idea that they could get the wrong information and give that to my doctor or insurance company.

To make matters worse, it seems impossible to get erroneous information removed. For example: My wife was misdiagnosed with asthma by an allergist. From then on, until she died 10 years later, every doctor asked her about her asthma, and she would tell them about the error. Even now, 8 years *after* she died, I still get flyers in the mail from BC/BS about asthma addressed to her.

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