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Comment Re:Or not so misinformed (Score 1) 82

It's not quite that misinformed. Emacs lisp is a special purpose language. ...

Well... It's a version of LISP customized for text-editor use. At its core it's still LISP. [And you're talking to someone who has used Emacs and written Emacs LISP, as well as Common LISP, Franz LISP (and ported the interpreter from BSD to SunOS and Ultrix), and InterLISP-D, since the mid 1980s... So, while certainly not an expert, I have some Emacs and LISP exposure. :-) ]

Comment Wait, what? (Score 4, Informative) 82

...instead of "special-purpose scripting languages" like Emacs ...

One of the least informed statements I've ever read on /.

Ignoring the fact that Emacs is an editor, not a scripting language, one can do just about anything in LISP (and Emacs LISP), and LISP itself has been around since 1958. I even got paid as a research assistant in college in 1985 to work in LISP on a Xerox 1108 graphical workstation using InterLISP-D (still have the manual). The whole OS was written in LISP and the system had ethernet, mouse and 19" gray-scale monitor. It was fucking awesome.

Comment Re:Bad Watson! Don't make me wash your mouth- (Score 1) 254

- out with soap!

It seems that Watson learned some bad words when IBM turned it on to the Urban Dictionary.

The alternative would be Watson talking about things like "The Shocker" (Google it, but not at work) - which would probably creep most of us out.

Comment Re:I saw faster screening at Orlando (Score 2) 163

Time/money/value decisions are something you make dozens of every day.

Exactly. As noted in the movie Volunteers

  • Chung Mee: Speed is important in business. Time is money.
  • Lawrence Bourne III: You said opium was money.
  • Chung Mee: Money is money.
  • Lawrence Bourne III: Well then, what is time again?

Comment Re:The larger question is... (Score 1) 712

Most CEO's do not make $20,000,000. Only a sliver of the very best and top bankers who have proven to make 10x that to their employers.

While certainly not "most", I'm having trouble defining Jamie Dimon as "the very best":

Fined Billions, JPMorgan Chase Will Give Dimon a Raise

Sure, he got his pay docked by 1/2 to $11.5M for the bank's bad behavior - while he was at the helm - but then gets a a raise to (reportedly) $20M because, "Mr. Dimon should be rewarded for his stewardship of the bank during such a difficult period." -- a difficult period in which, again, he was at the helm.

Nothing but a boys club, patting each other on the back for screwing over the little people and the regulators...

Comment Re:tl;dr (Score 1) 712

I suspect that a simple change such as requiring a bank be contained to just the state their HQ is located ...

Technically that would be Delaware for most (all?) banks, though those offices tend to be just shells for taxes/litigation. But I get your point for really big national banks, like BofA, and combined investment/savings banks. There are already smaller regional banks, like SunTrust, as well as state/local banks, which are *not* too big to fail.

Comment Re:Manufacturer Interest (Score 1) 305

The *manufacturer* has a vested interest in making sure your car has a safety update...

That's adorable. The manufacturer has a vested interested if the recall/update costs exceed the projected liability costs from wrongful death/injury suits and/or negative publicity / shareholder response. /cynical

Every manufacturer will switch to auto-upgrades when the first one loses a massive tort case over failure to auto-upgrade.

That simply will not happen - or not in any of our lifetimes (which, of course, may be determined by the lack of auto-update...)

Comment The larger question is... (Score 2, Insightful) 712

... how much money does someone really need? I'm not against Capitalism, but seriously, does one person really need $100 million, or even $20 million as an (semi?) annual salary or bonus? Does a CEO need 500 times (recent figures) the average salary of his/her own employees - you know, the people doing the actual work?

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