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Comment Bad study - findings do not illustrate that at all (Score 0) 297

"The abundances of specific types of microbes were found to be more similar in identical twins, who share 100 per cent of their genes, than in non-identical twins, who share on average only half of the genes that vary between people. These findings demonstrate that genes influence the composition of gut microbes."

They make no mention at all as to if all of these twins were separated at birth, but I find that highly unlikely. If two people grow up in the same house, are raised by the same parents, and exposed to the same food, it would naturally follow that they would develop the same gut microbes, regardless of their DNA.

If they actually wanted to study if gut microbes were influenced by DNA, they should have ALSO done the same study on the same number of adopted siblings, and compared them to the twins.

Comment Tied to Amazon services (Score 1) 129

All indications on this device is it is going to be tightly wound into Amazon's services. Unless it has an open API as well, it's going to be dead in the water, because me telling amazon to "Remind me to get milk tomorrow" is not very useful when it has no integration to my Google or Apple calendar.

The second barrier is, all this thing can do can already be done by Google Now. So you are competing with a device people already have in their pocket.

Anyway it will be interesting to see if it works out for Amazon.

Comment Re: This is news, how exactly? (Score 1) 187

Your logic is flawed because the $59.99 price is what enables that AAA title with its 30 million dollar budget to be made in the first place, so that you can later on buy it for $10 when its old as dirt. The days of being able to make a AAA title on a million bucks are long gone. Sure there are some outliers but I bet the majority of those 40 games you bought cost more than 10 million to make.

Comment Re:Anonymity? (Score 1) 125

I know there are some people who use Facebook pseudononymously but honestly I never saw the use case. The whole point of Facebook is to connect with friends and family to share things. If you are anonymous, you can't do that, so why are you on Facebook?

Anonymous Twitter accounts make a lot more sense than anonymous facebook accounts.

Comment Parallel booting (Score 1) 928

The reason systemd came to being and the only thing anyone who uses it ACTUALLY cares about is boot times. Period.

systemd allows proper dependency management, and therefore parallel booting and thus faster boot. When you are talking about consumer grade systems, this is important. When you are talking about servers, it isn't.

That's the long and the short of it as far as I am concerned. There is a lot of other "this and that" technical pros and cons around systemd, but the MAIN REASON it has ever been pushed is proper dependency management which can enable a parallel boot process. If you don't care about this due to your application is some long-running server, that's fine, but to pretend NO ONE should care about it is just stupid.

Comment Use outside USA? No chance (Score 3, Insightful) 265

The other thing CurrentC seems to have goofed on is that there is no way in hell this system will ever see the light of day outside the USA.

The USA may still live in the backwater side of banking where people still commonly pay for groceries by cheque, but in the rest of the world the idea of giving a third party your bank account information is quite foreign nowadays. There is absolutely no way in hell I would ever use this system, and if someone at Walmart asked me for my chequeing account information I would laugh in their face.

Comment Re:Well, that's cool I guess (Score 1) 125

The difference is, when Apple and Google and Mozilla do something, they are seldom working in a vaccum. They work together for the most part on emerging web technologies and push them forward. There are a few outliers like HTML5 video where there is a lot of vested interest, but if you look at it objectively, this is nowhere near the EEE mantra of Microsoft.

Comment Re:Spiritual Needs (Score 1) 268

Faith without evidence is not always toxic. It depends on what that faith is in. Point to me a devout Buddhist who is somehow toxic. or one who has ever existed.

The problem with religion has nothing at all to do with faith - for the most part it has to do with monotheism and the dogma around it, most notably the Abrahamic religions. All of the violence and wars throughout history caused by religion have a direct connection to monotheism because these religions invariably have as part of their dogma that there is only one true religion and it is ours. This in and of itself means that if someone is practicing another religion, they are engaging in heresy. This is not true of most non-monotheistic religions like Buddhism or Jedi or any others.

Comment Re:Falsifiability (Score 1) 282

The organism will ALWAYS adapt, it is simple logic. If pressure is placed on an organism, then less of the ones that carry genes susceptible to that trait will reproduce, because they will die. Ones that carry genes that help with that trait, will reproduce more. This WILL cause adaptation over time. And random mutation will be constantly introducing new genes into the mix.

There is absolutely no question on if pressure will cause a species to adapt. The only question is if the adaptation will happen at a pace fast enough to save it. If the entire world was covered in mustard gas tomorrow, humanity would be wiped out. That doesn't mean there would not be a very small percentage of people who would survive. They just would not be enough to continue the species because they would probably end up not reproducing fast enough to keep up with other pressures.

Comment Who cares??? (Score 1) 112

Does anyone actually care about this? So you buy an iPad from AT&T and if you want to use it with T-Mobile, you need to pop in a T-Mobile SIM. Who cares? It's not like it costs money for a SIM when you sign up with a carrier, they will just give it to you. And how is this any different than an unlocked phone?

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