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Comment Re:Double Check (Score 2) 101

But that's disingenuous because the people against recycling weren't against it because they thought the plastic industry was scamming people, they were against it because they didn't care about the environment or were too lazy to recycle (even recycling stuff that makes sense to recycle). Even the people against recycling took the plastics industries claim at face value

Comment Re:An lobbying operation funded by dataminers... (Score 5, Interesting) 67

If the EFF actually cared about freedom, they would want section 230 gutted.

No, that's what people who don't understand the internet want. One of two things happen without section 230:
1. Sites perform moderation and are held liable for all comments. The result of this will be the sites will not allow any comments (including messages boards like slashdot). Possibly some sites will have an option to review each one, but no company wants that liability.
2. Sites don't perform moderation and are not liable for comments. Without moderation, sites will become cesspools of spam and scammers while trolls run rampant. While this is typically what people with abhorrent views are in favor of, it will result in basically all message boards becoming unusable.

Option 3.
Sites perform reasonable moderation, but users are liable for what they post. This is what we have now and matches what public forum IRL are like. People have the freedom to post but with that freedom comes responsibility and consequences. One of those consequences is that they might not be allowed on that site anymore.

Comment Re:What the point, has sadly become. (Score 1) 121

That standardized test is (ab)used to determine a “grade” for the school itself, which directly drives funding for that school.

Where is that the case in the US? It's certainly not common. Usually schools are given testing requirements but they don't get more money if scores are higher. I suppose it's included in a teacher's performance review so in the sense that the teacher wants to remain employed it's about money, but basically that's just policy.

Comment Re:Passengers also need brsins (Score 1) 277

But that's still not entirely clear. Are fannypacks an item? What about an extra pair of shorts with pockets? Bottle of water?

The problem isn't the number of items but the amount of space they take. If you can fit 15 items under your seat then it shouldn't make a difference than if you put them all in a bag. The airlines should just say passengers can only put one item in the overhead bins, but that means that the flight attendants needs to enforce it

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