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Comment Re:Where do US citizens think the limits should be (Score 1) 609

You've got to be kidding. The nuclear club is for countries. If you're not in it, the ones that are do whatever they can to keep you out. Citizens need not even apply.

Besides, you'd be frickin crazy to have a nuclear device. Terrorists want them and would do whatever it would take to take it from you. They're tough to even maintain if you have one, as well as dangerous. Not to mention a bitch to even make it. If you detonate one, where would you do it? They're just way to dangerous. Now if you had your own planet or something, go for it.

The US is too restrictive in some ways. We can have machine guns, cannons, etc however it's very expensive. You also have to give the government a license to come and inspect your properties whenever they want. No warrant is needed. I understand this goes all the way down to the local Sheriff.

You cannot own stuff that has an explosive ordnance, such as a high explosive round. Of course that's the ultimate - shoot something and it blows up. You have to put explosives in whatever it is your shooting to do that. That's another license.

On the other hand, I've shot a machine gun. A Thompson sub machine gun. It's way cool. I had a 15 shot clip in it, which when I went from 3 shot bursts to full auto, it emptied it very quickly. About 1.5 seconds I believe. I fully understand why they're so tough on them after shooting it. You feel way powerful with it. If you're a bit crazy, it'd be easy to wipe out a bunch of people quickly without even a second thought. It just seemed too easy. So I'm glad they restrict it. However I don't appreciate them not allowing any new machine guns to be made. They stopped that in the 1980s.

If you look at the Second amendment, we should be able to have whatever the military has. That was the point. Not that I ever expect we'd be able to do that.

People don't even know what is a right and what isn't. For example the 2nd amendment is a right. Abortion isn't a right, yet some people claim it is. I ask - ok, show me. They can't because it's not in there.

Comment Re:Inevitable escalation of a broken philosophy (Score 1) 609

You're not safe and you know it. Thieves break into houses with impunity. Nobody has a gun so they don't have to worry. You have cameras EVERYWHERE as a substitute. I've read where even famous Brits had to confront a thief in their house without even so much as a bat. If they're lucky, it ends well.

In my neighborhood if you break into a house there's a good chance you'll be met by someone with a gun in short order. If you're lucky, it's a guy. If it's a woman, you're very close to being dead because she'll blow your head off if you don't do exactly what she says.

Credible studies show that the more guns you have, the less crime you have. Just makes sense. A well armed society is a polite society.

However if you Brits like what you have, that's fine too. We took off from there centuries ago, didn't like it. Just don't try to tell us what to do, please. I know it may shock you, however America is successful on our own.

Comment Re:Whats wrong with US society (Score 1) 609

Rich people don't commit crime, rob someone of $15 nonviolent only threatening violence without a weapon do 5 - 10 years, rob a few people of 15 million never see the inside of a cell.

Ever hear of a guy named Bernie Madhoff? , Jeff Levitt - , could go on and on and on. They get caught and do time. Often on the order of your $15 robbery guy 5-15 years.

Bernie will probably never see the outside again. That is as it should be. If he does, he'll almost certainly be dispatched quickly.

If you do steal, skip the country. Go someplace that doesn't have extradition. Beware that this could only be temporary and sometimes the US Government has worked out deals to get people. Bounty hunters have sometimes kidnapped people as well. Depends on who you screw.

There are some guys that have stolen, though they did it in a legitimate business transaction. Somehow those guys seem to get away with it. Company assets, pension funds, etc.

Then you move into high power criminals. We call them politicians. They can suck you dry fast and smile the entire time they're doing it. Especially the guy in power right now. He's sucking us dry good and people don't even realize it. Don't even care how high the debt is.

Comment Re:Global warming pause deniers (Score 1) 639

Really? First principle is the data is the data. I mean, this is basic, first day stuff that the proponents keep overlooking, intentionally.

Inconvenient data - .

I know, those stubborn facts again.

Just keep believing and paying trillions for stuff that isn't even our fault. It's a scheme to defraud us. You just have to realize it and get mad.

Comment Re:Incorrect Article Title (Score 1) 639

Because they aren't melting faster and faster. See It's 2015, Algore was wrong again, as usual. He's just a newspaper reporter that rode into congress on his father's coattails. Otherwise, he's a dud.

Check out the Nasa data. In know, inconvenient data again. They'll have to "adjust" that to follow their gilt trip scheme to make us pay billions.

Comment Society (Score 1) 535

It's not just moral decay anymore. Now we're into complete reasoning. Duh, he's a threat. Just look at what they did in the movies.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life left down here. It's fine to demolish this planet for our hyper space freeway.

Comment Easy (Score 1) 583

Be professional - always.
Shut the fuck up. Probably the best advice you'll get here. Most of the time you're not required to respond.
If there's something politically tough to do, get others involved.

Things other people with they knew - never get your fun at the same place you get your pay check. After hours - go home, go someplace else. Don't mingle except on those rare occasions. Seems like this never ends well.

Comment Re:Yes, you can (Score 1) 692

Perhaps. Just look at what happened with something that wasn't even talked about before - female contraception. They found a rich law student to say she needed contraception and couldn't pay for it and whipped it up into somehow there's a war against women. A bunch of women actually believed it, still believe it.

Yet somehow even today my Daughter has to pay $100+ to get some. She can't seem to find this free pill that they talked so much about.

Eh? Be careful what you wish for. Do you really want to live *forever*? At least now I can look forward to some assholes above me or beside me retiring. If we live forever they could be a thorn in my side forever... or just as well, I could be a thorn in their side forever. I'm partially set, nice new multi-focal cateract lens in my eye. I can see almost as well as I did in my 20s.

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