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Comment Lose-Lose for Human Society (Score 1) 370

Stephen Wise was interviewed on a Canadian radio program this morning:

He wants this case to go up the legal court ladders. This would get him more press coverage and more profits from sales of his book. The cost to society of his failed attempt would be judges' wasted time. The cost to society of a ruling somehow favouring Wise would be less effective drug testing, for the chimps he is trying to "free" are used in medical research. Either way, it is lose-lose for human society.

Submission + - Poll Suggestion: How do you keep your software updated?

eric31415927 writes: 1) Automagically — no questions asked
2) Command line — old school
3) Simple graphical frontend — i.e. Aptitude
4) Full GUI — i.e. Google Play, Mac Store, Windows Update, Synaptic
5) Update schmupdate — I don't have time for updates!

Comment Someone is getting paid for this? (Score 1) 90

If I were to order a drink from a robot, I'd follow its rules. This might be as simple as raising my glass in the air twice - whatever the new protocol is programmed to be.
When I order from a person, I want eye contact with the bartender. This won't work with a robotic bartender because it would be new and everybody would be staring at it.
Now put my name down as one of the coauthors and get on with some real science.

Comment Dual Boot (Score 3, Interesting) 426

Dual booting could be a popular option so that people can keep their old programs and data files. They should simply use Ubuntu for their web surfing and cloud activities. Keeping a separate drive or partition for shared data between the two OS's takes a small amount of time up front and makes the data sharing much easier.

Comment 1 in 6 (Score 1) 115

I made up the statistic of course, but I wonder how many people the feds are going after. If it is an absurdly high number such as one sixth of Google's userbase, then we should pester our politicians to get this thing changed. If Google is prevented from disclosing the information, then we might as well assume it is at least a number so high that it embarrasses the government du jour.

Comment Due Diligence (Score 2) 112

Does anyone know where gets its Canonical data from?
If I am going to fork over $800, I want to perform at least some due diligence. Is Canonical simply going to use my money to pay downs its current liabilities, which were recently about 19,000,000 GBP higher than its current assets?

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
