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Comment Re:Seems alright to me (Score 1) 458

You must have installed on a bare disk and/or didn't care about the disk layout. That to me is the most atrocious part of the installer. Trying doing a resinstall without out wiping out your /home ... be sure to cross your fingers when you hit go because you'll have no idea whether it is going to preserve that partition or not.

Submission + - Imagination Technology buys MIPS (

HalWasRight writes: After years of struggle, MIPS Technologies — the original RISC processor company — is being sold to Imagination Technologies, best known for its popular mobile GPUs. Part of the deal included MIPS divesting much of its non-processor related patents to a group that includes ARM. This deal could change the landscape in the battle for mobile sockets.

Comment Symbolics Genera (Score 1) 654

I pine for the Symbolics Lisp Machine "Genera" environment. Everything object on the screen had a right click menu with frobable bits on it (imagine typing 'ls' in a shell, then right clicking on a file name to edit, copy, move, or delete it), hypertext documentation, dynamic object system, Zmacs fully hackable with the debugger allowing for super-productive development, and full source code down to the drivers. Too bad they were $100k. Ah, the 80's ...

Submission + - Researchers Create Two-Dimensional Glass ( 8

sciencehabit writes: Researchers have created the world's thinnest pane of glass. The glass, made of silicon and oxygen, formed accidentally when the scientists were making graphene, an atom-thick sheet of carbon, on copper-covered quartz. They believe an air leak caused the copper to react with the quartz, which is also made of silicon and oxygen, producing a glass layer with the graphene. The glass is a mere three atoms thick—the minimum thickness of silica glass—which makes it two-dimensional. The team notes that the structure "strikingly resembles" a diagram drawn by a glass theorist attempting to unravel its structure back in 1932. Such ultra-thin glass could be used in semiconductor or graphene transistors.

Submission + - Your personal information is worth $5000/year to G ( 3

kiwimate writes: Research finds that the amount of personal information you give to Google when you use its services is worth $5,000 a year. That's based on how much advertisers and market researchers will pay companies like Google for such data — supposedly between $50 and $5,000 per person per year.
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Order of the Stick Reprint Drive Breaks Kickstarte (

kylus writes: The author and illustrator of the popular D&D spoof webcomic Order of the Stick recently began a drive to fund reprints of previously-released trade paperbacks. Originally seeking to fund one reprint, Rich Burlew's effort has skyrocketed; having opened the drive 12 days ago, Burlew has already raised close to $390,000, enough to reprint all six of his previous books. The drive is now easily in the top 10 most funded projects in Kickstarter's history and looks to be the most funded creative effort on the entire site. The best news? There are still 18 days to go!

Submission + - Risk From U.S. Nuclear Plant Accidents Lower than ( 1

jonesy16 writes: "Launched in 2007 by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) research project showed that "a severe accident at a US nuclear power plant would not be likely to cause any immediate deaths, while the risks of fatal cancers caused by such an accident would be millions of times lower than the general risks of dying of cancer, a long-running research study has found." It's a pity that these studies aren't publicized as well as stories with negative viewpoints."

Comment Re:Intruiged (Score 2) 274

1) You can't disconnect the keyboard from a notebook. This makes my Transformer lighter and more comfortable when sitting on the couch websurfing or watching Netflix.
2) You can't use a touch interface on a (cheaper) notebook. I've hurt my finger poking the screen on my work laptop because I've become so used to and happy with having a touch interface.

Submission + - HTC Buys Patents from Google, Sues Apple with Them (

AlienIntelligence writes: Apparently to stay viable in the IP wars, HTC secured some patents from Google (who purchased them originally from Palm Inc., Motorola Inc. and Openwave Systems Inc.) on the 1st of September.

The patents were used to fire a new salvo of shots across Apple's bow today, September 7th.

HTC filed infringement claims against Apple in federal court in Delaware, suing based on four of those patents that originally were issued to Motorola. Additional complaints were filed with the US ITC based on the other patents.

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