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Submission + - Apple's Open Calendar Server vs Microsoft Exchange

DECS writes: Apple is leveraging the power of open source development in a new effort to directly target Microsoft Exchange Server. The new standards based, open source Calendar Server will debut this year with Leopard Server; the source itself is already available at MacOSForge.org under the Apache 2.0 license. Rather than trying to copy Microsoft's tools, Apple is building its own vision of collaborative workgroup services. Why Apple is offering a calendar server might come as a surprise. Apple's Open Calendar Server vs Exchange Server puts Apple's efforts in the context of existing collaboration software, from IBM's Lotus Notes, to Novell's GroupWise, Microsoft's Exchange, MeetingMaker and others.
User Journal

Journal Journal: 'Gateway' gene discovered for brain cancer

Researchers have discovered that the same genetic regulator that triggers growth of stem cells during brain development also plays a central role in the development of the lethal brain cancer malignant glioma. In experiments on mice with such gliomas, they showed that knocking out the function of a particular regulatory protein, Olig2, almost completely eliminated tumor formation.

Submission + - Ada inventor Jean Ichbiah dies

An anonymous reader writes: Jean Ichbiah, French inventor of the programming language Ada, died Jan. 26, at age 66. He suffered from brain cancer.

Ada, created at the end of the 1970s, was the first object-oriented language to become an international standard, in 1995. It is still widely used today, mainly for real-time systems in the aeronautical industry; the code is embedded in the Rafale and Mirage 2000 fighters and in the Boeing 777 airliner.

http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?com mand=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9010058&intsrc=new s_ts_head

Submission + - Statistical Accuracy of Internet Weather Forecasts

markmcb writes: "Brandon Hansen considers the statistical accuracy of popular on-line weather forecast sources and shows who's on target, and on who you probably shouldn't rely. Motivated by a trip to a water park that was spoiled with hail despite a 'clear sky' forecast, he does a nice job of depicting deviations, averages, and overall accuracy in a manner that stats junkies are sure to love. From the article, 'Accuweather was the clear leader in anything greater than 10 days in advance ... many of the other less accurate weather forecasts seem[ed] to be practically worthless for all but the most optimistic.'"

Submission + - For women nothing's like the smell of men's sweat

gollum123 writes: "From CNN, Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley said women who sniffed a chemical found in male sweat experienced elevated levels of an important hormone, along with higher sexual arousal, faster heart rate and other effects ( http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/02/08/men.sweat.reu t/index.html ). They said the study, published this week in the Journal of Neuroscience, represents the first direct evidence that people secrete a scent that influences the hormones of the opposite sex. The researchers measured levels of the hormone cortisol in the saliva of 48 female undergraduates at Berkeley, average age of about 21, after the women took 20 sniffs from a jar of androstadienone. Cortisol levels in the women who smelled androstadienone shot up within roughly 15 minutes and stayed elevated for up to an hour. Consistent with previous research, the women also reported improved mood, higher sexual arousal, and had increased blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. The study did not determine whether the increase in cortisol levels triggered mood or arousal changes or whether those changes themselves caused the cortisol elevation."

Submission + - Porn Industry May Not Decide Format War

nixkuroi writes: MSNBC Reports that the porn industry may be fudging their numbers and may not be the "decider" of the next winning format. Even more stunning is that on page 3 of the article, Vivid Entertainment says that despite Sony's refusal to license to the adult industry, they've found a way to replicate Blu-Ray technology and will release Debbie Does Dallas on both formats.

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