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Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 1) 622

Yes, I'm sure she asked her frigging PR firm for advice when she wanted to send nude pics to her boyfriend.

"So, old manager guy, I want to send some nude pictures to my boyfriend on internet. What's your advice?"
"Well, just send them to me first and I'll have a team check them out to see if that's a risk."

Besides, Apple fanboys are rife in the area of PR and marketing, so don't expect anything more than "ofcourse nothing will go wrong! It's APPLE!"

Comment Re: Read below to see what Bennett has to say. (Score 0) 622

Technically, 24 is a pretty good age to have kids: your body is done growing, you probably finished your studies and you are in the prime of health with respect to viability of your eggs, the sperm of your partner and your resilience to the huge changes your body will go though. And after you had the kids and they're off to school, employers won't be thinking "oh, she's going to have kids" because you already have them so you won't be gone for 2x4 months or so (or years, in Germany)

Comment Re:um (Score 2) 135

Within 8 weeks ... saw a complete resolution of diarrhea after consuming 30 or 60 of the feces-filled capsules.

Um... that's an improvement? That's like advertizing "We found a new cure for hemorrhoids! It takes 2 months and involves a soldering iron!"

It's an improvement over suffering from diarrhea until you die, months later. And *a* cure for hemorrhoids actually does involve something like a soldering iron (laser). It's just a bit faster than 2 months, although recovery will be quite a few days. And incredibly painful if you're part of the unlucky 2% or so of the population who have nerve endings in the wrong place.

Comment Re:Three year s ubscription... (Score 3, Informative) 204

That's exactly the right way where I live. You start with a complaint, then escalate with a letter giving them a last chance to fix the issues. You give them a reasonable term, such as 30 days. After that, you terminate the contract and ask for your money back due to breach of contract.

You'll be much better off if you let a lawyer handle this sort of thing, by the way. But that goes for signing the contract in the first place, too.

Comment A modest proposal (Score 1) 126

I propose we immediately isolate the carriers of "fattening disease".

After all, it's infectious and it creates more casualties than ebola and the black plague combined! And since we don't know the vectors yet, other than "fat women", we should isolate anyone with a BMI over 25. In any case they shouldn't be allowed to travel. I mean, it might spread to Europe. Or even Africa, which has so far been mercifully untouched by "fattening disease"!

Comment Re:Lost opportunity? I doubt it (Score 1) 554

It's probably due to a horrible installation-image from her workplace. I'm using Windows 7 with 4GB, since 2 years ago, and I never had disktrashing. I regularly have Visual Studio, one or two databases (oracle, MSSQL), MS Word and numerous browser sessions open at the same time without running out of memory or slowing down my laptop noticeably.

Comment Re:Spawn of Satan! (Score 1) 68

It rather depends on what you get hooked on. If you get hooked on heroine or morphine (which is worse, I've understood), you're only going for the fix after a while, so unless you have a trust fund you will run out of cash due to lack of income.

Comment Re:Serious question... (Score 1) 68

If you come over to The Netherlands you can buy 'em right in the city center - leaves and everything on 'm. You can draw thea from the plant and use that. And due to all that nice agricultural expertise we even managed to increase the THC count to the level of a harddrug, so I'm pretty sure you're not going to have to concentrate it - it's going to be pretty dangerous if you do that to plants with 18 to 20% THC in the tips already.


Comment Re:IBM CLM publicizes their bug backlog on jazz.ne (Score 1) 159

Your main point is excellent. However ...

Then again, CLM is targetting developers, a crowd that is used to the notion that software has bugs

Everyone who has used a computer in the last 30 years knows software has bugs. Even people who have never "used a computer" in the conventional sense know that the software in their car can go wonky. And anyone who's been watching the news certainly knows it, with all the scare stories.

The *know* it, but they don't *like* it. It's like stepping into a plane while the stewardess is reciting all the security stuff: nice, but I'd rather not hear it. And I especially wouldn't like to hear the list of unresolved issues with the plane, right before we lift off.

Buying customers can't back out, so you can list all the bugs in detail. Feel free. But I'd be careful with prospects. Especially non-technical purchasers.

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