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Comment Re:Lack of tension?? Look at the games! (Score 1) 73

Mod parent up. Anyone who claims computer vs. computer games are dull is either outright lying or has no clue about chess (and hence probably finds all games boring).

In fact, these days it's hard to tell the games between the top 20 players and the top engines apart. Both groups (computers and men) are not afraid of losing and will go for the move that promises the most chances (and will lead to the most imbalanced positions), instead of going for a safer and 'duller' alternatives, as you often see players in the 2500-2700 elo range play (disclaimer: I'm only around 2300 elo).

Comment Re:How can this be? sufixication (Score 1) 613

The whole discussion is about providing information about the file in *some other way then the file extension*.

My point is that the necessary mechanisms for preserving that information over a HTTP download already exists. The mime-type.

How that information is preserved on the server side, or even during an upload is totally another point. As far as I know FTP doesn't have a mechanism to transfer meta data.

Comment Re:How can this be? sufixication (Score 1) 613

> MIME types are for the browser, not the user.

The browser and the user are the same thing, from the servers point of view.

The user wants to know what type of file it is? The browser should tell him!

As the AC post mentioned, the browser can even query that information without downloading with a simple HEAD request (e.g. if it wants to display icons instead of text links, wants user confirmation before downloading, etc.).

Comment Re:How can this be? sufixication (Score 5, Informative) 613

> Metadata sufficient to render file extensions obsolete would leave us with, with no way to tell what it contains.

That's where MIME types come in to save you. While it is true that from the URL you can't tell the contents, the moment you do a "GET /file" the server will tell you the mime type (e.g. application/msword), and you can save that information in the file's meta data on your local filesystem (e.g. save it as file.doc).


The Perils of Pointless Innovation In Games 260

Negative Gamer is running a story discussing the need felt by the major game developers to create the next huge blockbuster, which often leads to innovation and change for their own sake rather than simply focusing on what makes a game fun. Quoting: "There seems to be this invisible pressure to create something that is highly 'intuitive' and incorporates the highest level of innovation that we have ever seen. The problem is that the newest ideas put into games are either gimmicky, terrible in execution, or blatantly ripping off another title. On the other hand there are series that feel the need to completely revamp a game that played perfectly fine before into something completely new that falls flat on its face. ... There's a critical problem with popular, mainstream video games that isn't as large with other mediums; they are expensive to make and require a lot of time and effort put in to create something masterful. With that, games must take cautious paths. I fully understand the risks, but adding unneeded material to certain games is not justifiable."

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 165

> While it is true that in some countries you can see naked women (as in, bare breasts, not genitalia) in advertising in broad daylight and afternoon tv, I've yet to see anyone
> with their tits out in public, and I've been basically everywhere in Europe.

That's probably because you've been there in Winter. It's not fun to walk around bare breasted through the snow. Come back in summer, and visit any recreational areas (parks / lakesides etc.).

I guess if you'd walk around (half) naked at a shopping mile and walked into the autorities, you'd probably kindly get asked to get dressed please, not arrested.

Comment Re:While I can see Nintendo's point, I wish they'd (Score 1) 296

It was my impression that they don't want to go after the distributors of illegally made copies (which I don't have a problem with), they want go after the tools. Modchips & drives that can be used for ripping the original DVDs.

By limiting the availability of these tools (hence making them more expensive to obtain), they're in fact worsening the situation. If I buy the modchip & pay or find someone to install it for me (I'm no good with a soldering iron) and buy a special drive to backup my games, I have spent at least the amount of money to buy two more games. In order to recover the amount I spent for what I regard as 'fair use', i.e. which should be essentially free for me, I would have to 'skip buying' two games at least. Mod chip makers: 2, Nintendo: 0

Comment While I can see Nintendo's point, I wish they'd... (Score 4, Interesting) 296

....see mine. I have two kids (2 & 4), sometimes I play Wii Music / Wii Fit / Wii Play (Fishing!) with the older. It's too troublesome to lock all stuff away all the time (and sometimes I just forget to remove the disk from the console), so I've already thought a few times about modding the console to be able to backup the games before the kids manage to destroy the disks accidently.

As it is, they won't replace my scratched disks, so I don't have so much simpathy for them.

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