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Comment Only because they're looking at point-to-point (Score 1) 221

The only reason they're thinking it has less latency is because they're only considering a point-to-point case.

Once you wire that up to the various hubs and routers of the underlying DSL or cable infrastructure, or try to send traffic to somewhere other than the end-point the microwave is connected to, your latency rapidly goes to shit.

Add in the fact that fiber can transmit over longer distances, the weather-induced degradation of most microwave links, the fact that the whole link drops when a semi-tractor travels along the highway between the two links when line-of-sight is close to the ground, the need for high and unsightly towers to get over the trees and buildings, and the final fact that microwave towers were decommissioned in Canada precisely because of all these problems, and all you can say is:

Bad idea.
Very bad idea.

Comment What needs to be corrected? (Score 1) 302

What misconceptions or outright lies have become so ingrained in young people's use of technology that they need to be addressed?

Above all else, they need to be freed of the delusion that the ability to use a smart phone or tablet qualifies as "technical skills." Those devices are appliances, and using one does not confer any actual technical skills or knowledge at all.

Back in my university and high school days, it would be like someone who took a typing class claiming that they're "PC literate" because they know how to keyboard.

Comment As long as the jobs actually go to the kids (Score 1) 249

As long as the jobs actually go to the kids in the end, I see no issue with the companies covering their bases.

After all, there is no guarantee whatsoever that the training programs are actually going to entice a significant number of kids to enter STEM careers. There have always been science classes and science clubs, yet the percentage of people pursuing STEM careers has always been relatively low.

Comment Working for a living will be obsolete (Score 1) 615

Eventually we're just going to have to get away from societies that depend on "working for a living" as there is less and less actual work to be done. We're already starting to see that with all the layoffs in manufacturing over the years, the reductions in workforce at many companies, and the elimination of all but the lowest paying jobs as till operators and stock clerks.

Of course that means the few people who *do* have to actually "work" will end up living lives of luxury compared to the general public. With the majority of people living on a stipend instead of an income, who is going to want to go to the effort of training and education for employment as a doctor or nurse, for example?

Comment It's all about the durability for me (Score 0) 147

I've spent thousands of dollars on keyboards and mice over the years I've owned computers. While a mechanical keyboard may cost twice as much as some of the cheaper models out there, it lasts for many long years without failing. Contrast that with, for example, Microsoft or Logitech keyboards, which only last about 9 months under my heavy use.

The sole exception was the original Natural Pro that Microsoft released. The first one I owned lasted five years. The second and third lasted 6-9 months, after which I swore off ever buying one again.

My el-cheapo "X-Armor" cherry keyswitch keyboard (the cheapest I could find), on the other hand, is now over two years old and still going strong. The clatter of a keyboard isn't an issue for me, because I no longer work in cube-land, but even if I was still in an office setting, I'd insist on a proper mechanical keyboard and to hell with the cube-mates. Your yapping on the phone, chit chat in the hallways, and annoying radios/headphones are not work related like my "noise" is.

Comment Good riddance (Score 2) 649

Unlike cases where there is a question of whether someone is guilty or not, there is no doubt in this case that he planted to bomb, killed at least three people, and maimed scores of others (including a lot of kids.)

If there is a chance of a conviction being overturned, I don't agree with the death penalty. But in a case like this, I'm all for it.

What sickens me is that despite the clear guilt, there are probably going to be years of appeals costing hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars before this sick bastard is put to death.

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