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Comment Re:lol, Java (Score 1) 79

Java isn't at all immune to the 3rd party library issue and in fact the Java world seems to have it far worse when you start developing complex applications.

What I find even more appalling is that fact projects that use maven seem to want to hoover down half of the internet, and you have to trust that the bundles/jars that it is pulling down are all of decent quality, and that the repository has not in fact been compromised.

Comment Re:Can I ger a package (Score 1) 196

Every time I look at things like Hulu I find virtually none of the programs that I typically like to watch. News? Nada. Have to stream it elsewhere if I can find it. Various Discovery/Science/History channels? Nothing that I want to watch. Documentaries? Minimal, and nothing of interest. Shows like Stewart/Colbert? Nope - have to go directly to comedycentral to get that.

Here is what I don't watch. Movies, sitcoms, reality TV, cop/csi or any other drama. Don't watch sports, don't watch home shopping, don't want/watch things like HBO.

Comment Re:Time to stop adding features, and audit instead (Score 1) 172

That's not a problem that is unique to Linux however. Many commercial products have the same issues - the marketing and planning people want new features as that helps them sell upgrades and maintenance, and in the past those sorts of things were prioritized higher than things like a security audit which management concluded weren't something that one could sell.

It is only when customers demand security audits of the products that they buy that this will change.

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