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Comment Re:how come (Score 1) 622

Over here in germany we have a rather complex sorting mechanism for trash, but after a while you get used to it. We seperate: Normal trash, duales System Deutschland (dual system germany), which is everything with this symbol on it (plastic, tin cans et cetera), paper, glass, ash from burning coal or wood, bulky waste, electronic devices, chemicals and hazardous materials, batteries and in some states tin cans get collected seperately. After a while it's a no brainer and it's a good thing to do for the environment.

Comment Re:My favorite feature of this round of Wikileaks. (Score 1) 711

A quote from Göring comes to mind:

Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

Comment Re:Jail time (Score 1) 95

I know it was a joke. I just didn't think it was funny. Well, the girl that told me her story was a german exchange student from YFU whom I was training to go abroad. She chose to open up to me for whatever reasons she had. I think that it is a shame that a person in prison (be it in the US or in germany - I don't know if the chance of getting raped in prison is higher in the us or in germany), an environment that is closely monitored and where personal freedom is very limited, has a higher risk of getting raped than outisde of prison. I also don't think that it is reasonably to think that you are going to get raped in prison if you are convicted of tax fraud or aspersion. But what do I know, I don't live in a country that incarcerates 1% of its population.

Comment Re:Jail time (Score 1) 95

How fucked up of a person would one have to be to wish another person that they get raped? Have you actually ever talked to a rape victim? Well, I have and I can tell you that it wasn't pretty. But hey, he is a criminal so it must be ok to rape him. Would it be ok to kill him too? After all, murder is just a crime like rape is.

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