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Comment Scoop? (Score -1, Offtopic) 67

Anyone have a copy of scoop? The old FOS version of Slashdot that was used to build Kuro5 and ~.? I have a team of forensic analysts ready to go and want to roll my own slashdot but I can't seem to find this dickhole Bill Browder's repository anywhere. I'd hate to have to roll my own from scratch. It was through ~. I first tried to reach HsT for proof of life but his 3rd (and CIA) wife had already ghosted him by then. Told everyone he shot himself to her over the phone for true love. Stupid fucking cunt.

Comment Aren't these "real name" platforms anyway? (Score 1) 45

Both Facebook and Twitter are rushing to be "authentic identity" providers, but are also anti-"authentic identity"? What a fucking shitshow. They want to be the place for everyone's public face, but also don't want the responsibility of protecting their users at all. It's totally weird.

Comment Re: Deja Vu (Score 1) 155

From the wiki page you link:

"technical restrictions it put on the abilities of PC manufacturers (OEMs) and users to uninstall Internet Explorer and use other programs such as Netscape and Java"

That "technical restriction" was that Explorer.EXE acted as both Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. The government demanded that the Windows Explorer (which you can't remove or replace) could not also do internet things, since that was unfair to "internet companies" who wanted to compete with Internet Explorer alone, not all of windows.

Read fucking book.

Comment Re:Deja Vu (Score 1) 155

Any system can be hardened.

Win 7 is far easier to harden (BC wipe with encrypted swap file, randomized swap salt at boot each time, then TrueCrypt for container encryption inside the encrypted swap only) than Windows 10 (literally impossible to harden without paying Microsoft like a million dollars.)

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