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Comment Re:Without "actually" compromising net neutrality (Score 1) 120

He wasn't implying that this deal would compromise net neutrality in spirit. Towards the end of the article he even states that the deal would not only keep net neutrality in tact, but it would enhance it.

"With servers so close to users, Google could not only send its data faster but also avoid sending it over the Internet backbone that connects service providers and for which they all pay. This would save space for other traffic — and money for both Verizon and Google, as their backbone bills decline (wishful thinking, but theoretically possible). Net neutrality would be not only intact, but enhanced. "

Comment AT&T, Iphones, Verizon, and Droids (Score 1) 251

If and when an Iphone is available for Verizon customers, would that open the door to possible Droid phones being available on AT&T's network? Or, would it be possible that Verizon would ditch Droid because Apple wouldn't let them sell their phones on the Verizon network if they didn't? I think Verizon dropping the Droid would be less likely simple because Apple doesn't have much leverage over Verizon. At this point I think Apple needs Verizon more than Verizon needs Apple.

Comment Re:The cop committed perjury or he's very bad at m (Score 1) 526

I find it difficult to believe that you are such an expert on human nature that you can generalize about the motivations of people who decide to become police officers. Especially when all that generalization really amounts to is nothing more than insulting people who risk their lives to protect you so you can continue to be a dick who doesn't have a clue.

Are their bad cops? Of course there are. But the vast majority of police officers are just like everyone else. They want to go to work, do their jobs, and then go home and be with their families.

Comment Re:They can be art (Score 1) 733

Actually, art is something that serves no purpose other than being itself. That is why video games can't be art. Because they serve a purpose. That is why a newborn isn't art despite it's ability to stir up emotions. Because technically that is so we go on as a species.

I have to disagree with your definition of art. If we accept your definition, then many of the people we consider famous for producing works of art would be excluded because one purpose for the art was to make a living.


The Fruit Fly Drosophila Gets a New Name 136

G3ckoG33k writes "The name of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster will change to Sophophora melangaster. The reason is that scientists have by now discovered some 2,000 species of the genus and it is becoming unmanageably large. Unfortunately, the 'type species' (the reference point of the genus), Drosophila funebris, is rather unrelated to the D. melanogaster, and ends up in a distant part of the relationship tree. However, geneticists have, according to Google Scholar, more than 300,000 scientific articles describing innumerable aspects of the species, and will have to learn the new name as well as remember the old. As expected, the name change has created an emotional (and practical) stir all over media. While name changes are frequent in science, as they describe new knowledge about relationships between species, these changes rarely hit economically relevant species, and when they do, people get upset."

EVE Online Battle Breaks Records (And Servers) 308

captainktainer writes "In one of the largest tests of EVE Online's new player sovereignty system in the Dominion expansion pack, a fleet of ships attempting to retake a lost star system was effectively annihilated amidst controversy. Defenders IT Alliance, a coalition succeeding the infamous Band of Brothers alliance (whose disbanding was covered in a previous story), effectively annihilated the enemy fleet, destroying thousands of dollars' worth of in-game assets. A representative of the alliance claimed to have destroyed a minimum of four, possibly five or more of the game's most expensive and powerful ship class, known as Titans. Both official and unofficial forums are filled with debate about whether the one-sided battle was due to difference in player skill or the well-known network failures after the release of the expansion. One of the attackers, a member of the GoonSwarm alliance, claims that because of bad coding, 'Only 5% of [the attackers] loaded,' meaning that lag prevented the attackers from using their ships, even as the defenders were able to destroy those ships unopposed. Even members of the victorious IT Alliance expressed disappointment at the outcome of the battle. CCP, EVE Online's publisher, has recently acknowledged poor network performance, especially in the advertised 'large fleet battles' that Dominion was supposed to encourage, and has asked players to help them stress test their code on Tuesday. Despite the admitted network failure, leaders of the attacking force do not expect CCP to replace lost ships, claiming that it was their own fault for not accounting for server failures. The incident raises questions about CCP's ability to cope with the increased network use associated with their rapid growth in subscriptions."

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