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Comment Re:wonder bout... (Score 2) 218

Rouge waves, typhoons, collisions with tankers, vulnerability to warships, aircraft, submarines.

But hey. It's cool that a tsunami won't screw it up.

Wouldn't it be better on the sea bed? Also tsunami-proof...but also rogue-wave, aircraft and tanker proof.

Even better. Don't build any more reactors than can go into meltdown.

Comment Re:Subtle attack against C/C++ (Score -1, Troll) 189

The problem lies squarely with C.

If they'd used C++ instead of C, heartbleed would never have happened - std::containers don't need to store their size as a separate variable.

Luckily for us, the people responsible for maintaining the Linux Kernel understand the difference between C and C++ and their software isn't full of manual memory management and arguments over which version of malloc()/free() to use. Oh, wait...

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