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Comment Re:That is nice but why? (Score 3, Insightful) 279

WTFE. "A dollar or two" as a donation isn't going to make even the poorest child/family value the thing any more than they would a completely free laptop. Seriously -- a DOLLAR OR TWO? If you want them to value it, you either need to make them pay for it in full (or almost) which of course is a non-starter, or make them work for it. Community service? Picking up litter at a park? I don't know -- *something*. A dollar or two is ridiculous on many fronts. The costs associated with collection and accounting for a dollar or two from every student will be astronomically high compared to the cost of giving them away for free.

Microsoft Not Ditching Vista Until At Least 2011 297

CWmike writes "Microsoft will not dump Vista when Windows 7 launches, and plans to keep selling it to computer makers, system builders, volume licensees and consumers at retail until at least January 2011, a Microsoft spokesman said, citing long-running policy. Earlier today, a Microsoft general manager hinted that the company might ditch Vista as soon as Windows 7 ships. He also said that support for all versions of Vista will end in April 2012. Neither is true, according to the company. Michael Cherry, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft, said, 'to try to stop Vista or make it unavailable, that would just draw attention... The truth is, few people will be likely to order it once Windows 7 is available.'"

Comment Re:Scary (Score 0, Troll) 73

"Citation please. How has social networking sites become "so integrated into our society?"

Well, for one, I seem to recall a completely inexperienced and unqualified presidential candidate winning the most powerful job in the universe based partly on the fact that he was *cool* enough to use Twitter. Here's one of 4,790,000 citations on that available via Google:

Gamefly Complains of Poor Treatment From USPS 269

Gamefly, the popular video game rental service that operates through the mail, has filed a complaint with the Postal Regulatory Commission about the high number of games that are lost or stolen in the mail. The complaint (PDF) asserts that the postal service's automated sorting machines have a tendency to break a small percentage of discs, and that preferential treatment is given to DVD rental services like Netflix and Blockbuster. "According to Gamefly's numbers, it mails out 590,000 games and receives 510,000 games back from subscribers a month. The company sees, depending on the mailer, between one and two percent of its games broken in transit. ... Even if you assume the number is one percent, and a game costs $50 to replace, that's an astounding $295,000 a month in lost merchandise. ... That's not the only issue — games are also stolen in transit, which has lead to the arrest of 19 Postal Service employees."

Comment My beta will expire before the retail license (Score 1) 183

is available. Does anyone know if I can "upgrade" to the RC, thus extending my beta period? If possible, I'd like to continue running 7 from here on out -- I'd hate to go back to XP for a month simply because of poor timing. FWIW -- I'm really happy with 7. Been running it for about 3 months now.

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