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Comment Re:And how does the kitty-kat feal about all this? (Score 2, Interesting) 225

My 3 legged cat doesn't really use her stump that much except when climbing steps...

She's developed the ability that when the front 2 paws are on the higher step, and her good back leg is on the lower step she'll angle her butt so that the stump is at the edge of the top step. The little stump will then twirl and while it's doing it's think she'll bring the back leg up and keep going.

Watching it almost reminds me of those famous horse pictures proving that a horse has 4 feet off the ground at a time...

Comment Re:occupational therapy (Score 1) 225

i wonder if the treatment included retraining the cat on burying its business in the cat box.

Actually, both of my cats at home use their front paws to side paw the littler on top... So yes, assuming she doesn't step in it (unlikely) she'd be fine and up to the usual tracking the litter out of the box like normal...

PS: (Yes, I have a 3 legged cat so I have a basis for asserting this.)

PPS: ( Anyone have a 1 and 2 legged so I can complete the set? )

PPPS: (Yes, I like parenthesis).

Comment Re:Just kidding, folks. (Score 1) 139

Assuming vertical wall, you won’t be able to see them. You’re looking down.

Plus, the camera is using thermal imaging, so a moving shadow wouldn’t show up well.

With any spheroid looking down unless you're directly beneath the camera there will be angled views.

As for thermal imaging - overlooked that part...

Comment Re:Wow (Score 3, Insightful) 139

The opening is estimated to be 620 feet by 520 feet and the hole to be at least 380 feet deep. Wow! That beats even goatse!

I'm sure you'll be moderated funny (as you should) ... however if you reach 5 then I'll know others, too - have suffered the same horrible fate I once did. It'll help heal the mental scars I still carry to this day...

Comment Re:Just kidding, folks. (Score 1) 139

I looked at the pictures, and it seems that they had a bug on the lens.

In all seriousness, though, I wonder how they can determine the depth of the hole, just from the surface characteristics?

Simple (somewhat) ... take two pictures at different times of the day. See how much the shadow / dark spot changes of the walls. Assuming vertical (or nearly so) walls then it's (somewhat) a math problem...


Where Does IT Fall Within Your Organization? 243

ros256 writes "I help out a relatively small (100 employees) medical device company that does not have a dedicated IT department. Instead the network admin reports to a manager in the Clinical department. Although this seems unusual to me, the organization isn't really structured at this point to have IT staff report to a department more relevant to the work they do. I've been giving thought as to where within the organization would make more sense. So, I pose this question to the Slashdot community: Where does IT fall within the organizations you work with?"

Comment Re:Attorney Emails (Score 1) 237

I respect lavatory cleaning staff far above copyright lawyers.

Yet lawyers serve a purpose. Just because, in this case, their purpose is opposed to your interests does not make them scum.

The root issue we're disagreeing on is, I believe, rather a person is scum based upon the job they choose to perform. One person's scum is another person's necessity.

If this was not the MPAA or the RIAA but instead, an author of a self-published book that went viral on the internet (who knows - people might start reading again) .. would you still be so adamant that the Lawyers are scum?

Comment Re:Attorney Emails (Score 1) 237

I don't know how well the guy in the law firm is doing - if he's scraping by or if he's raking it in.

I do know, however, that to impose my beliefs that the lawyers are scum on them in a legal manner and make judgement based on that is not something I would want others doing to me.

Different jobs involve varying degrees of moral direction - some would consider repossessing cars to be evil, vile and dispicable - while others see the necessary need for loaners to recoup their outlay.

Do I not like what these lawyers are doing? Sure

Do I think these lawyers are performing what their job requires them to do? In all probablity, yes

Is an individual going to stay on moral high-grounds when his job is on the line? Rarely, and I can't fault them for it - especially not in this case.

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