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Comment Re:Millions of complacent idiots devastated (Score 1) 286

Unix users have privelege separation.

which protects the uninteresting, easy to reinstall OS and apps, and leaves your important data swinging naked in the wind.

Unless you run your browser in a jail, of course.

What is this? 1980? Kids write virii today to wipe our hard drives right? Botnets work toward the day when eventually they control >99% of the world's computer and then one day, they all rm -rf / right? The responsibility is on you to protect your files. Yeah, it's really easy to protect all your data, just sudo and move it to a directory you don't have write permission on. Or if you're worried about it being *sensitive* data, don't give yourself read permission either. Then just sudo whenever you want to view pictures of your wife.

Comment You may as well be asking a movie critic (Score 1) 506

I think this question is similar to asking a film critic why action movies do sell well at the box office.

Before you ask "So, why is the current generation of games giving so much importance to the realism in graphic games?", you should first ask the question "So, why is the current generation of games giving so much importance to the average person rather than a gamer who can appreciate it in multiple facets?"

And of course, that question is easily answered. Market.

Comment Re:Why the surprise?? (Score 1) 84

"Logically (most) lawyers don't like to repersent rapists (for example) but they will when paid.."

While I'm all for lawyer bashing because IANAL and there are plenty of anecdotes that will probably back up your views and mod mine down, let's be reasonable here.

"Logically", no one became a lawyer because they "like to represent rapists", but because they believe in the rule of law, or feel that everyone deserves a right to defend themselves in court.

So it's more like, "Lawyers don't like to represent rapists, but they will because they live in a society where the accused have rights no matter what the crime."

Addendum to rub some salt in the wound: it's represent, not repersent.

Comment room full of them (Score 1) 369

A friend of mine who worked IT for a firm that provided processing for insurance companies told me that he constantly took hard drives home and had ready access to lots more. Why? Because there was a storeroom, completely filled with hard drives ranging back to 10gig ones. The company has a policy that formatting the hard drives aren't enough, they have to be put through a machine where the entire hard drive is basically ripped apart and turned into screw sized scrap metal. The cost of this is roughly $20 per hard drive (iirc). At some point, it became cheaper just to warehouse them then actually destroy them. New hard drives that were to be destroyed then didn't have such a priority to be wiped. "Oh, just leave it there for now, we'll throw it in the room later." If it went missing, no one really cared.

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