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Comment Re:Sexism (Score 1) 548

"You're ignoring the fact that men and women have different interests"

You're implying that men and women have the same interests? Not in the United States, but I don't know what country you're from, so it might be different where you are. shouldn't generalize human beings like that [generalizations, tantrums]

Hey, what did that strawman ever do to you? Who said they wanted to keep girls out, aside from a couple of AC trolls? Oh, yeah: nobody. Nobody said that. Nobody implied it. You completely pulled it out of your ass because you're not actually cut out for this. Generalizations are necessary when talking about a big picture, like an entire society. Most people involved in the discussions understand that, and that there are naturally going to be exceptions to whatever generalization is being made. You'd have to be a god damned tool to take offense at that.

Now if you'd piss off back to, or just shut the fuck up and let the grownups talk, we would all really appreciate it. Thanks.

Comment Re:Why I don't buy the misogyny argument (Score 1) 548

So making leveling the playing field is punishing those who received unearned advantages WITHOUT working for them?

Yes. EVERYBODY wants to secure a good future for their children, grandchildren, and so on. Why should anybody feel guilty about that? You have it hard today because your parents were held down their whole life? Well, that sucks, but *now* you have the ability to secure a future for your own children. Instead of moping around about shit that happened in the past, do something about the future. But this is not about leveling the playing field; it's about increasing the pool of applicants with the end goal of depressing wages. See also the current lawsuit against several tech giants, including Google, the Great White Hope for getting more women into IT, for colluding to not hire each other's employees.

One thing that I find very telling about this initiative and others like it is that none of these efforts to increase the number of women in IT ever state why that goal is important. Why is IT better for women than whatever other career path they choose? At my college, 73% of my class was female. They had to major in *something* in order to graduate; why does it matter that it wasn't IT, as long as they're happy with the fields they chose?

And that, is a lie, we both know it.

No, it isn't. You might have to work longer and harder to get to where you want to be, but if you think life is easy for *anybody* but the super-rich, then you're just plain delusional.

Comment Re:Want to code? (Score 1) 548

But you and the other MRAs

So anyone who uses logic or points out hypocrisy is an MRA? Poison the well much? You might want to check your address bar; this is, not

why is it that 90+% of the developers I've worked with, spanning some 20 years, are male?

A better question would be, Why do you even care about the gender of your coworkers? Aren't you just there to work? Or are you hoping to hook up with someone on the job? Seriously, explain this. As far as my coworkers go, I don't give a single fuck what demographics they belong to, only about their level of competence.

Comment Really. (Score 2) 548

One of the side effects of white-knighting is that now and then you'll find yourself tilting at windmills, as you're doing today.

Nobody is complaining about competition; the problem is the tech giants' efforts to undermine skilled workers pursuing a career doing what they love in favor of less-skilled (read: cheap) ones who are only in it for the money. There is no regard for the quality of code produced, no effort to ensure that American tech companies remain relevant in a global economy, just the race to the bottom, and no amount of warm-and-fuzzy cooing about girls being just as good as boys or pastel websites about how awesome grrrrl coders are will change that.

Please also keep in mind that not only do women and foreigners tend to work for far less money than American men, they are much less likely to "talk back" or "make waves" or whatever else you want to call it, which is why there are concentrated, industry-wide efforts to push more women and H1-B's into tech, and no such efforts for more African-American or Latino-American men. It doesn't really get much more obvious, cynical, or self-serving than this, regardless of how desperately you want to believe in your own anecdotal evidence of a shortage that we all know simply does not exist. If your company can't find enough quality workers, then your company sucks at compensation, or recruiting, or advertising open positions, or anything else involved in the process of attracting, growing, and retaining talent.

Comment It will never work (Score 5, Insightful) 548

There's been an ever-increasing push over the last 10 or 12 years to get more girls and women into tech, with almost no visible results; in fact, the number of women in tech has been declining for decades. This seems odd at first, but the reason this push is constantly being attempted at all is that it's part of a larger effort to increase the pool of applicants and decrease salaries. It's the same reason that Facebook, Google, et al. want to increase the number of H1-B visa workers.

There is nothing stopping a girl or woman from learning programming/networking/etc. if she wants to, and these increasingly bizarre, desperate, and creepy attempts to lure in women will end up pushing away the ones who might have pursued tech careers otherwise.

Comment Re:Chip and PIN (Score 1) 455

I wasn't aware of that, so thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, swipe-and-sign will still be available.

I commented elsewhere in this thread that nobody will pay for it, but now that I think on it more, the most likely scenario for paying for the switch is that banks will offer their customers a "New, more secure card!" for the low, low price of ($10? $20?). If people don't want to buy into it at first, they'll be forced to pay for it once their current card expires/falls apart/is stolen and they need to get a new one anyway.

Comment Re:I am torn! (Score 1) 455

refuse to accept it unless security is improved

Who would decide the point at which security had sufficiently improved, though? The chip-and-PIN system used in the civilized parts of the world is, of course, much better than magnetic swipe, and *should* become prevalent here in the states. Unfortunately, it would cost billions to upgrade the US's entire infrastructure to support it, and I honestly don't see anyone picking up the tab for any part of such an upgrade any time soon.

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