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Comment Re:Easy stats to pull (Score 1) 367

The false sense of urgency people have simply because they can is getting ridiculous. I can accept that probably 1% of phone calls are actually urgent. What I can't accept is the 75% of calls that people think are ugent. What's the old saying, "Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part."

Wow. That must be one handy number of a job you've landed for yourself. I take it you don't have children either.

Comment Re:One thing's for sure... (Score 1) 870

To fix that problem you're going to have to fix the disparity in wealth, and the tax codes have only ever been a part of that disparity.

Thank you for pointing out the true source of the problems in the industrial sector when it comes to ages, emplyment, and compensation.

The declining fortunes of industrial workers have nothing to do with automation. They have everything to do with the siphoning of wealth from productive industries and workers towards the financial ascendancy and its backers. Wealth has been transfered upwards to the point where there is not enough of it to reward work in the way it was 40 years ago.

If you are not actually producing wealth, by adding value, then the distribution of wealth in society becomes a zero sum game. No level of automation can have an effect on this basic reality. If neither man nor robot is actually making "things", then stagnation becomes inevitable.

Comment Re:Changes but not automation (Score 1) 870

All of these are fundamentally positive changes.

So me having to wait for the shop attendant to come back from the john, or fumble to check out my out groceries, or wait longer for a waiter at a restaurant are all positive changes?

Positive for who exactly? All I see on my end is even more of my time being wasted.

Comment Re:Who'll spit on my burger?! (Score 2) 870

A major grocery chain where I live brought in automated checkout machines. So instead of having by shopping scanned in by a trained professional, I was expected to scan in items myself in a poorly designed working area while a computer with the voice of a calm genteel London accept patiently and repeatedly insisted I scan the items again and again as the queue grew longer and longer behind me.

So, I started going to the shop down the road with people still behind the tills. The food is generally better there too.

Comment Re:Sounds reasonable, but look who's in prison (Score 5, Insightful) 220

If you're in prison, that's it, you're in prison.

Who put you there? Why are you and all these other people in there? Are you going to end up coming back here again? Why didn't we just shoot you the moment the judge struck the gavel? Is a prison supposed to have more functions than appeasing Daily Mail readers with petty acts of vindictiveness?

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 301

Two things:
1) The transaction ratios here are of the order of 80 to 1, and the blocks chains are becoming ever more difficult to verify. How sustainable are these ratios as time marches on?

2) There is an inherant bias in verified blocks. Right now transactions are being selected, in part, based on their attached transaction fees. However, as the Bitcoin craze dies down, or even becomes mainstream, I don't see the practice of transactions fees catching on as individuals choose freeloading over payment.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 0) 301

Everyone who transacts in bitcoins will have an incentive to keep the difficulty high enough such that this is unfeasible.

Almost everyone who transcts in Bitcoins is a tightwad libertarian looking to make a speculative quick buck. They will not, ever, collectively pay for transactions when they could freeload instead. The problem with Bitcoin was and will always remain how to persuade the marks/miners to keep expending computer power once the easy coins have all dried up.

This was evident to those of us 3 years ago, who casually downloaded the bitcoin client, left it run for a week or so, and saw not one coin in return. We (by which of course I mean "I") subsequently lost interest and uninstalled the client. I see nothing which can change this basic dynamic of most people not caring enough to mine/verify. Even if bitcoiners do start adding transaction fees (I regard this as a risible suggestion), the mining blocks will have everything tied up, again driving most of the mining network away.

The network was not built with a mandatory minimium transaction fee, or other mechanism to ensure the continued interest of those verifying the transactions -- those actually making the effort to keep Bitcoin running. This is the achilles heel and inevitable doom of the currency. You cannot build a currency on the collective individualism of Randroids.

Comment Re:It's not arrogant, it's correct. (Score 1) 466

* Netflix pays for their bandwidth
* Customers pay for their bandwidth

Not quite. Netflix pays for their bandwidth and usage. Customers only pay for their bandwidth, not their usage.

The ISPs who promised to ship these customers unlimited volume of data at fixed costs are now blaming Netflix for actually developing a service popular enough to force them to make good on that promise. The big ISPs have written cheques their networks can't cash and are now extorting Netflix to make up the difference.

Comment Re:Well, *someone* here sound arrogant, anyway... (Score 2) 466

So the $80 a month I pay my ISP goes to what exactly?

Your free lunch.

The deep, deep irony --actual classical irony -- here is that Cicconi does believe in cost free delivery and free costs. We know that because that is exactly what they promise to their customers.

Netflix is not the cause of recent video traffic volumes on the web. The cause is "all you can eat" unlimited monthly usage rates which have become the industry standard. It was agreed in the 1980s that ISPs would operate on an "end user pays" model, but at some point in the 2000s, ISPs move towards an "All you can eat" model where the end user pays only for the connection, and not the volume of traffic they actually upload/download.

So when customers actually do start downloading all they can eat, where does the blame lie here? At Netflix, who have already paid cogent handsomely to upload every single byte of every single video they stream? With the customers, who paid up front for a connection which said "unlimited, all you can eat downloads", and then proceeded to do so? Or does the blame lie with the ISPs and telcos, who wrote millions of unlimited download cheques that their networks now cannot cash.

So Mr. Cicconi , If your customers are downloading too much data, charge them for the cost. If you can't do that without losing customers, then you can't compete, and its time to step aside for ISPs who can. Netflix does not enter into this equation. The internet is based on an end-user pays principle and if you AT&T want to have end users using without paying, that's your problem and nothing to do with Netflix, Youtube, the Pirate Bay, Facebook or anyone else. Don't extort others when you've bitten off more bytes than you can chew.

Comment Re:Tesla (Score 1) 394

Pretty much. I drive a car with a manual transmission; we don't get giant brake pedals, so I'm stomping on this tiny little square which my foot can easily slip from. It has, and has found the accelerator...which is usually non-functional because I'm out of gear.

You probably shouldn't have passed your driving test because you're almost certainly not placing your feet on the pedals correctly. (What I'm about to say applied to right side driver vehicles -- UK/Ireland cars)

Positioning and use of the feet is as follows: Left foot controls the clutch and nothing but the clutch. The right foot never touches the clutch pedal. When using the clutch, the foot must lie flat on the pedal, pushing with the leg, not the toes. Remove the left foot and place on the floor when the clutch is not in use. Repeat after me : The Clutch controls the car.

Right foot controls both brake and accelerator. The left foot never controls the brake -- EVER. Now, when applying the brake the foot rests flat on the brake pedal, pushing with the leg. The heel of the foot must not touch the floor.

Finally the right foot also controls the accelerator. When doing so, the heel rests on the floor, and the accelerator is applied by pushing/leaning forward with the toes. Accelerator is un-applied by lifting the foot cleanly off the floor, pulling back the toes and covering (hovering over) the brake. If at any time the accelerator is not being applied the right foot must be covering or being applied to the brake.

When transferring between brake and accelerator and vice versa, the right foot must always be lifted back upwards slightly. Never try to shift the sideways, and never ever swivel on the heel between brake and accelerator. In an emergency braking situation, the right foot is applied to the brake with the left foot left on the floor and clutch left engaged.

Another thing to watch out for is seat adjustment. You may be too far forward or backward, too high up or down, or the seat may be leaning too far backward or forward. It's important to get your feet positioned correctly as they are your primary means of controlling the vehicle.

Comment Re:Phase changes (Score 5, Insightful) 194

Absolutely. Regardless of whether the results confirm or are consistent with the theory of Inflation, the every existence of coherant structure the scale of the universe itself is an amazing result. By default, there is no reason to expect any structure whatsoever at the highest cosmic sale. (I would argue that up to now this, there was essentially no struture to the CMB)

Yet here we have "waves" of polarisation over a gigantic region of the night sky. The Universe has uniform strutures at the most enormous scales. It's a deep and awesome result that must be addressed, by inflation or whatever other theory we can propose for it.

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