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Comment Am I the only middle-aged geek who DIDN'T.... (Score 1) 206

Am I the only middle-aged geek who DIDN'T think Dr. Demento was funny? I never found his shtick clever or humorous, and I just don't get why so many folks are nostalgic over such low-quality entertainment. You all can argue over the merits of radio and clear channels and whatnot till you're blue in the face, but I think perhaps this is just a simple story of bad quality entertainment justifiably giving way to slightly lesser bad quality entertainment in a natural evolution of mediocrity.

Comment Re:Democracy needs smart people (Score 1) 1138

Garbage in, garbage out.

I'm amazed how many people think they are ENTITLED to an education and a high paying job simply because they went to college.

Did they study while there? Did they take complex, challenging classes? Did they engage the material and actually THINK about it? Or did they just coast along, getting C's and drinking at the frat house every Friday night?

Comment Re:Why not high school? (Score 5, Informative) 1138

A history degree doesn't provide anything past what you could get from an online, verified information source (I dare not say Wikipedia of course). If you're intelligent, you'll be able to comprehend whatever historical issue interests you, and have no need to spend 4 years on it.

As a history professor, I can safely say it's that kind of thinking that leads students to not come to lecture and instead rely on the interwebs when it comes time to study for exams.

Of course those students fail miserably, while those who attend lecture do much, much better.

Comment Re:Lawyer? (Score 1) 554

One word: education.

Americans have stopped valuing education for a generation or two now (at least). Anti-intellectualism is at an all-time high, with the "red state," "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" mentality dominating American culture.

And an undereducated population makes bad decisions, including what to do with their dollars. It's that simple. We Americans now value our 60" plasmas more than caring about the consequences our purchases have (even if that purchase is on credit cards we can't afford).

Comment Re:I've never gotten Dr. Who (Score 1) 379

You know, that's an interesting question re: audience, which I hadn't honestly considered. Dr. Who way back in the early 80s here in America was on late at night (on PBS), and the most recent SciFi channel incarnation (I refuse to use SyFy) was also on, IIRC, a tad later in primetime (9p? 10p?). Either way, it seems to me to have been marketed to adults.

If, indeed, it's a children's show, then I'll back off my criticisms of it.

Comment I've never gotten Dr. Who (Score 1) 379

Yes, I'm a Yank, but I love Python, I love Adams and the HHGTTG, I love Peter I think I'm at least a bit in tune with British humo(u)r.

I also love SciFi, from Foundation to Lost, from Heinlein to Farscape, so I think my tastes there are eclectic enough.

But Dr. Who, in every incarnation I've tried, has never been funny to me, never exciting, never clever, never interesting, and never even campy fun. It's always been boring, uninspired, trite, B (hell, not even B but maybe D) grade drivel. *shrug*

Comment Re:He could have fixed it with a wave of the hand (Score 4, Insightful) 615

Still, kudos to Ms. Flewers for coming through, even if it's only on a customer service front. If being accommodating is possible, why not formally apologise if someone was upset enough to complain.

Because it admits fault where there is none, sets a precedent, and generally encourages this sort of behavior.

I don't have any mod points, someone give this post some credit. We Americans need to stop letting the loonies think they are on even footing with the rest of society. We're only doing ourselves a disservice. First we let the Scientologists think they are legits, then creationists, then the Tea Baggers, now Jedis? Ugh.

Comment Re:Prental Involment? (Score 2, Informative) 446

I don't have any mod points, but someone please mod this way up.

My wife and I are both teachers, and the number one problem we run into is parent apathy and/or values. All the folks in this discussion blaming teachers don't know what the hell they're talking about. It's not our training, it's not our unions, it's the parents. Parent who commute 2 hrs each way just to put food on the table don't have time to sit down with their kid and help with homework, let alone instill in the child the VALUE of doing the homework. Parents are either too busy chasing a dollar or chasing tail (look at the high divorce rate) or playing WoW or teach their children manners, respect, and the value of education.

So, take the average middle school child. He sees on TV and in magazines the high value we place on athletes and whores (Paris Hilton, etc) and pimps and gangsters (watch a movie, any movie), he sees how lavishly they live and the coin they make..... Compare that to the teacher he sees every day wearing crappy clothing because we can't afford any, he sees the crappy car we drive, pictures of the crappy homes we live in.... If there's no moderating influence at home, there simply will be no respect for teachers and education in general. Of course that directly translates into receiving a poor education.

But go ahead, blame us teachers who could all be making better money in the private sector but opt not to in order to try and make a better world.

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