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Comment Re:Expert:Ebola Vaccine At Least 50 White People A (Score 4, Informative) 390

Sorry, you are going to have to explain how "the rest of the world" buying a branded, 100% genuine, drug for a fraction of the US price drives up the price in the US. You also might give an example where patents are being ignored in those same markets.

Here's a recent example of a man being charged $3,766 for Zovirax cold sore cream in hospital. The same product could be bought in Walmart for $181.66 . UK price $7.

Drug prices in the US are entirely down to the insane US health system.

Comment Re:Facebook didn't sell me anything (Score 1) 114

Anyone can create a Facebook account with any name. They do not have to have unique names, or be unique in any other way. So there is no need to spell a name slightly differently to set up a fake account. Nor does setting up an account with your name stop anyone else creating another account with your name.

Comment Re:Been there done that (Score 4, Funny) 142

Are they not doing this already in CSI? I'm sure I saw them enhance an office security video of a post-it note, reflected off a monitor screen, magnified a couple of times, and there they had it; complete dialog in stereo, with accompanying analysis of voice stress so they knew who was lying. Isn't science wonderful?

Comment Re:Disengenous (Score 1) 306

The authors earn less and many would only be able to indulge their hobby part time, whilst working at another career, is just a normal part of social change.

But is it a good social change? Or don't we care? Is making writing something people can only ever afford to do part-time going to result in better books?

Comment Re:Disengenous (Score 1) 306

Is the author the best person to decide who would be the best illustrator, proof-reader, typesetter etc for their book? Their skill is in writing, what do they know anything about these things?

So perhaps the writer needs someone who does know, someone who does it for a living and can advise and source the best for their book. Maybe this person can work on a percentage of sales, ensuring that everyone gets paid and profits accordingly from a successful book. What do we call them.. ? How about "Publisher"?

Hang on, haven't we come full circle here?

Comment Re:Disengenous (Score 1) 306

While I abhor middlemen, it really struck me as not being Amazon's place to stick their nose into.

Amazon is a middleman. They aren't removing middlemen, all they are doing is pushing other middlemen out of the picture to establish a monopoly for themselves.

Comment Re:Hasn't been true for a while (Score 4, Insightful) 502

Besides, it saves me from using Creative's bloatware.

This is what comes to my mind whenever I hear of Creative. Nice enough hardware, but shockingly bad software, 80% of which no-one ever had any need for. And it would invariably all be set up to load at boot-time, sucking up resources and RAM.

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