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Comment Re:Cost/Benefit -- tokamak vs. other options (Score 1) 318

This doesn't get a lot of public exposure. I had never seen this diagram or anything like it.

But some of the rhetoric sounds a bit weird: "We predicted this result (experimental) in the 70s and achieved it in the 90s." Now that's a long development cycle. In the meantime, I got impatient. Can anyone blame me?

And I still have a problem with doing D-T fusion that sends so many wild and crazy neutrons out into the world where they'll make things outside the reaction chamber radioactive (or brittle) (or both). Don't the inherent risks in that reaction make it incumbent on us to find other source reactions that don't have those problems?

But thanks for the link. That was interesting...ank

Comment Re:Cost/Benefit -- tokamak vs. other options (Score 1) 318

thanks for keeping this up, jo_ham...

"Disappointing" then, is outsider-speak for, "I thought this was going to lead to widely distributed production-level reactors that would lead away from dependency on other more destructive, consumptive and dangerous forms of energy generation..."

Or to put it another way, "Fusion tomorrow, warp engines the next day, replicators the day after that, right?" Only it's not working out that way. It sucks to be the public watching. It probably sucks even more to be the scientist who's working on it -- at least until he sheds some of the idealism of youth.

"the science is good" reminds me of something Dr. Bussard said in the "Should Google Go Nuclear?" video.

But if the goal is power that really does become cheap and clean, I'll still insist that there's something right (at least the tiniest bit) about being disappointed with ITER so far.

Comment Re:Cost/Benefit -- tokamak vs. other options (Score 2) 318

How is ITER disappointing: how many decades of research have they performed without inching perceptibly closer to positive power output, and with each iteration (pun noted) you yet another large expensive facility full of potentially dangerous (flying neutrons engendered more radioisotopes), useless (structures become unsound when enough of the atoms in their engineered parts change and the alloys no longer have their specified characteristics) remains.

Cannibalising as a mistake: I'm with you here and the amount spent on ringtones, petfood or any of the other frivolous stuff we humans can't quite do without would seem to be better sources for this money. Still, I hardly think shaving off one to five percent of the money from ITER will hurt it very much -- heck, with the amounts we're talking about, shaving ITER by one to five thousandths wouldn't hurt ITER at all but could provide oceans of seed cash for other alternatives.

Middle East wars etc.: totally with you on that one. Wasn't it the cut in Navy funding with Gulf War 2 that drove Bussard, for instance, to seek other funding in the "Should Google Go Nuclear" video?


Comment Cost/Benefit -- tokamak vs. other options (Score 2) 318

ITER/Tokamak has been around for a long time with, to say the least, disappointing results in the long haul.

At some point, practical planning would say that a portion of the money -- even a very small portion -- being spent on ITER projects should be redirected to make sure that the pre-occupation with ITER isn't starving other options that may turn out to be better ideas. It's often been the outliers that succeed even in technology areas where lots of attention and money have been spent on some "standard" solution.

I'm not against pure science but in this situation I'm likely to appear so to some: it's annoying to me that ITER, the long term "solution of the future and always will be" is getting so much money that other options are being starved out. Am I completely out to lunch for some reason?

Comment What? No peer review? eggs in baskets and civility (Score 1) 308

If there's so much emphasis on ITER (and there is) that few people think it's worth the risk to admit they know enough about Polywell to review Polywell papers as peers, then there will not exist peer-reviewed papers on Polywell.

I can't answer for others who advocate for Polywell -- indeed, with my limited background in nuclear physics, I probably qualify as an "internet crank" but the trails of information that are out there seem pretty high density that at the very least, someone who knows should be given a grant to examine things and make sure that the good stuff gets attention.

From where I'm at, calling the folks who advocate for polywell "cranks" is almost as good as calling Dr. Bussard a "crank" since he holds forth in a hard to understand voice (like a crank) for 90 minutes in the Should Google Go Nuclear video -- in which he was definitely "advocating" for his project.

At the very least, every government that is supplying any money to ITER should peel back 5 or 10% (I'd like to see more than that, but even such a pittance would be a princely sum -- even that much of a rollback will lead to a rice-bowl fight, I'm afraid) to establish some kind of research board to examine the other alternatives: NIF, Polywell, Thorium (in many forms), Burnaby BC's "General Fusion", whatever, and lets not just aim for the commercialization of one alternative. Let's go for several and eliminate as they prove unworkable, or long term intractable. ITER has had more than enough time to breakthrough and it hasn't. So let's not stop working on it, but let's put a few more eggs in our baskets.

And unless Pons and Fleischmann are showing up again, let's hold off from calling people cranks when what you ask for isn't available and not necessarily through the fault of the technology being suggested.

And the neighbour who asked for peer-reviewed evidence that Polywell doesn't work is on the right track there.

Comment Classrooms are good for... (Score 2) 317

assimilation. As I understand it, the modern classroom was the German solution to the problem that troops didn't obey orders in the Napoleonic wars, therefore did not fight coherently as a unit. It was decided to start training the regiments early. Supertramp's "The Logical Song", Pink Floyd's "The Wall" -- about 160 years late, each...ank

Comment Re:Missing Option: (Score 1) 290

That's why I voted "all the sites I use" even though in practice, perhaps none of them would be affected directly. Self-censorship could potentially cause otherwise innocuous sites to get nervous about lack of fair use protection and without quotes sometimes something would be lost...

Submission + - Google interface becoming evil ( 1

ansak writes: "Google has adopted a Mystery Meat interface with the disappearance, on the main search page, of the banner giving what to search for. Now it's hidden behind that big Google icon in the top left corner. This downgrade and the chaos being caused in the new look GMail interface is the beginning of the end for Google as it begins to foist things on users like Facebook does. A tablet-friendly appearance should be served up on tablets only."

Comment Missed an election then, did you? (Score 1) 390

So... you didn't vote in the off-year? (1990) At least it didn't matter as much as the last off-year did.

The biggest mistake any sub-set of American voters have made in the last five years, that I can see, was sitting out the 2010 election. I'm convinced half the problems that have ensued would not have happened if only the young and enthusiastic had realized that "the President proposes, Congress disposes". You can't afford to sit any of them out.

Oh, and by the way, in our country it's called "being enumerated" or being "on the voter's list" and our Election Commission is apolitical. Really apolitical -- recruited for competence. Not politically polarized with a referee like in Arizona (what a success that's been!). Responsible to the Crown, not to the Legislature. You wanna see at least "mostly fair" district boundaries? Feast your eyes on these. Even the scandal of "Gracie's Finger" is far behind us.


Comment Re:china copys us stuff and pass it off as there o (Score 2) 373

inviolet wrote:

"... While these things have temporary effects on the movements of money, in the long run we benefit from having other people making discoveries alongside us, rather than continuing to scrabble in rice paddies."

I think you're somewhat right but I get the feeling that this model is wrong when one side is nobbling currency rates and locally incentivising the newly arrived industries to the point where, for instance, nearly all Vitamin C worldwide is produced in the country that gave us melanine-laced milk and automotive-exhaust-dried tea. Is that smart for any of us? The only safeguard is that QA for export-bound products are stricter because other countries' regulators are more transparent, therefore more accountable and reliable. But market forces only work well when there are no well-established bullies (especially not 147 colluding ones) or even determined alternative rule-set writers.

And lest anyone think I'm fear-mongering, what about solar panels? The markets are only fair when the rules are all becoming more stringent on all players regardless of source and buyer and where the measures used for exchange are equitable. My hope is that greater public wealth will lead to greater openness and accountability, but it hasn't always panned out very well.

Still, I also look forward to the day when some kind of abundance is available to everyone, when we all get much better at use and re-use as opposed to use and using up. Science and technology can get us there if the greed of the few doesn't prevent it. I think our vision as a race tends not to be big enough (worrying about our own rice bowls, all too often, all too appropriately) and we're way too short-sighted and too prone to getting into shouting matches over individual issues in the larger overall programs available to our imagination.


Comment Re:Supporting Ron Paul feels cool, is stupid (Score 1) 1797

Should I answer a non-cow? okay. one point.

You are committing a category error between Gilles Duceppe (a man bent on splitting Canada up) and Barack Obama, together with so-called "big government socialists" (who have no intention of splitting the US up).

Okay, that's not an answer so much as a dismissal. Your thinking is simple in the fashion typical of those who are only reading certain varieties of history and economics. I recommend you balance Newt and the Austrians with some Walter Russell Mead, for starters -- and then check out Hernando de Soto's "The Mystery of Capital". Our systems in all their frailness are precious and ought to be preserved, not burned down -- nor should their looting by plutocrats be suffered to continue.

I do know what malinvestments are and I have seen enough bubbles and busts to suffice for five lifetimes but Ron Paul's ideas remind me more clearly of those of William Roper's views on giving the Devil the protection of Law in the movie "A Man For All Seasons". Ordinary folk won't find shelter from the resulting storms if you allow Ron Paul's ilk too much latitude.


Comment Supporting Ron Paul feels cool, is stupid (Score 4, Insightful) 1797

Disclaimer: I am a Canadian, so I do not have a dog in this race; except we are your nearest neighbours (nearer than México in two minor ways only: longer border, no local outcries for a fence) so if you systematically self-destruct, it'll be bad for us, too.

Support for Ron Paul by the young and sometimes geeky has intrigued me for some time. Is it a result of reading Ayn Rand? Is it because his ideas seem so much more sensible than so many others? Is it because he does not appear beholden to any lobbyists? Is it primarily because he wants to end drug Prohibition? Possibly all of the above.

But it's also confused me because a number of the things Ron Paul wants to do away with are things that help the young find their first footholds -- things like student loans (or even grants). When I read this headline, I thought for just a second that perhaps Dr. Paul wants to throw open the universities for all, call a full education a civil right that you get to take advantage of based on merit. But I dismissed that thought before I saw the rest of the post, and I was right to do so. My response: his analysis may have some truth in it but it's so simple as to be suspect, in my view. On balance, like much of what Ron Paul says, it's too simple to be right.

Whoever thinks Ron Paul is cool, whatever lobby groups he is not beholden to, make no mistake: the über-rich and powerful wish his ideas well because their adoption would entrench and deepen the growing class divisions in America and put an end to the American dream as anything but that: a wistful dream of what expectations used to be.

Something is rotten in the way the US is going these days. For instance, in my lifetime, before 2008, I had never heard a leading politician in the US say of their president from the opposing party that they wanted him to fail. Whether you agree with Mr. Obama or not, that attitude on the part of any member of your government is pernicious. I'll stop there because the list of things going wrong is so long (most of them decades in the making) as to make this too-long post ridiculously so.

But Ron Paul is not the answer to those problems: his ideas (and incidentally those of the Tea Party) are only going to help the rich get richer and inherit the meek (and the not so meek). Do yourselves a favour, folks, and elect leaders that remember what they learned in Kindergarten (without forgetting all the things they learned since) and value their neighbours over hard lines -- internal neighbours, of course! I wouldn't advocate that you would elect the people I, your Canadian neighbour, want you to elect. I'm just confident that if, overall, you voted in line with your interests (and that may take a lot of thinking to figure out who's going to serve those best) and do well, then you won't become neighbours that we have to fear from across that longest unarmed border in the world.

be good to each other, folks...ank

Comment Which frontier? (Score 1) 376

Whether space is or is not eventually "The Place", one of Cringely's latest columns on the "next frontier" is worth reading. He's been going on about the need for a new frontier to provide a direction in which mankind expand our expectations without entirely being guilty of exuberant over-optimism. The prequel article is also worth reading.

To quote from somewhere in the middle (and I almost feel I should shout SPOILER ALERT! first):

What should that new frontier be? It almost doesn't matter as long as it is big enough to capture the fancy of hundreds of millions of people. Your ideas are just as good or better than mine. But since I have a couple favorites I'll throw them on the table. I think our next frontier should be a combination of additive manufacturing and autonomous flight.

The rest of the article does give one something to think about, if only to wonder what he's been smoking lately.


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