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Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Unlock your Mazda 3 trip computer in 6 steps

justAnotherGuyWithaCar writes: "According to these website instructions you can add free functionality to your car. "So you thought that little clock on your Mazda 3's dashboard was all it could be? Think again! My buddy was able to successfully unlock the full trip computer functionality to his base model Mazda 3 by following the basic instructions""

Journal Journal: GNAA announces switch to Windows Vista

GNAA announces switch to Windows Vista

fellacious (GNAP) Intercourse, PA - Windows Vista appears to finally be taking off, at least within one Fortune 100 company. The GNAA had for the past 13 years been using Red Hat Linux and it's successor, Fedora Core, but growing discontent with the free software operating system forced CTO Jmax to declare on Wednesday that the company was to be switching its entire infrastructure to the new version of Windows, effective immediately. "I'm


Submission + - Supreme Court Will Hear "Bong Hits 4 Jesus"

slimjim8094 writes: The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case, covered previously on Slashdot here.

The case forces the court to reconsider the line between a student's right to free expression and a principal's authority to limit what is said and done at school.

The message seemed designed to provoke Principal Deborah Morse, and it succeeded in doing so. She tore it down and sent Frederick to the office. She planned to suspend him for five days, but when he invoked Thomas Jefferson and the First Amendment, she doubled the suspension to 10 days.
Interestingly enough:

Several religious-rights groups filed briefs supporting the student's free-speech right in this case. Their lawyers worry that school officials might, for example, say it was inappropriate for a student to wear a T-shirt that praised Jesus Christ.

Submission + - ReactOS Revealed

reactosfanboy writes: DRM Hacker Alex Ionescu explains the internals of ReactOS in a recent talk. Ionescu indicates that ReactOS is nearly 100% binary and API compatible with the Windows 2003 kernel, and that they are aiming for full Vista compatibility. Ionescu attempted to demonstrate ReactOS but only managed to successfully install it after two BSoD's. This alone should make it clear that ReactOS is still not ready for prime time.
Operating Systems

Submission + - ReactOS Internals

An anonymous reader writes: NewsForge and Neowin have picked up on a talk that ReactOS lead kernel developer Alex Ionescu gave about the internals of ReactOS. In his talk, Ionescu explains the similarities between ReactOS and Windows. and how ReactOS is close to being API compatible with Windows Server 2003. How long will Microsoft allow ReactOS to go unchecked?

Submission + - Internet Radio to be killed by the RIAA

Anonymous Coward writes: "Just got this in the mail from Tim Westergren, Pandora's CEO: "I'm writing today to ask for your help. We've had a disastrous turn of events recently for internet radio: Following an intensive lobbying effort on the part of the RIAA, an arbitration committee in Washington DC has just dramatically increased the fees internet radio sites must pay to the record labels — tripling fees and adding enormous retroactive payments! Left unchanged by Congress, this will kill all internet radio sites, including Pandora. Tomorrow afternoon there is an important U.S. Senate hearing on the future of internet radio."

This issue has started to get blog coverage: http://gigaom.com/2007/03/05/webcaster-royalty-rat es-go-up/ and http://www.rossdawsonblog.com/weblog/archives/2007 /03/the_vast_potent.html

If you live in the US, please contact your local Congressman now!

Please note that I have no Pandora affiliation except as a very happy user."

Submission + - DRM will cost over $9 billion the 5 coming years

DRM coward writes: "According to a recent report, companies will spend over 9 billion dollars on DRM technology, hardware and software, over the 5 coming years. At the end of 2007 over 1 billion dollars will have been spent on trying to prevent copyrighted material from spreading without control. The study, which was published by Insight Research, states that the industry is not moving to a more userfriendly nature, but actually on the contrary. More and more, companies will be working on creating tougher and tougher protections with less and less care for the end-users."

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The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
