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Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

If nerds/gamers want to find women who won't reject them, they need to stop being awful people to every girl playing games first.

The best way to do this is to stop treating them differently from anyone else. They are another person - leave it at that.

Of course, that depends on you not being a complete scrote to everyone you come across online. Fix that, first.

Comment Re:Graceful degradation (Score 1) 250

It is designed such that this would never be an issue. Why? Because you have to skip several critical maintenance periods to hit it. Imagine if you, somehow, kept your car engine running for two years. Ignoring the logistics of this, doing so means you cannot have changed your oil etc.

Now, if it was on the order of 11 hours, that would be more of a concern.

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