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Comment Re:I really don't my vital body parts to be on wif (Score 1) 183

Are you able to perform the inverse though (send data to it) in a way that isn't "detectable" - specifically if it was intended for reactive near-field?

The real danger isn't so much the receipt of information as it is the ability to send data to it (commands, fuzzing, etc)

Comment Re:I really don't my vital body parts to be on wif (Score 1) 183

I didn't say NFC. I said Near Field. "Near Field" is a very specific thing.

If your antenna is more distant than the near-field you are not in the near-field, but in the far-field. You can probably figure out how to communicate, I'd imagine that the real trick is synchronizing your oscillator (but this is a solved problem - radios do it all the time) but certainly any schmuck with a laptop or smartphone wouldn't be able to do it - you're going to need extra equipment.

Comment Re:10 MPS would still leave us behind South Korea (Score 1, Insightful) 533

Yes, well, when your whole country is the size of one or two of our states...

The US is pretty freaking large, and we're fairly spread out - even on the coast.

Wake me up when you can go to a random hovel in Siberia and get those speeds... because that would be a closer comparison than what you're saying.

Comment Re:Energy for space travel (Score 1) 68

Oh, well it could well be made up of platinum or whatever, but that's not going to get you any energy usable for propulsion out of it.

If the intent is to capture resources, that's different. This twerp was asking about using it for travel. Completely different mission profile. ... oh, and I'm a space nutter myself, thank you very much.

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