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Comment Re:And In Unrelated News... (Score 0) 801

"Social services and safety nets aren't about coddling the lazy..."

Except they are.

"...even the richest, most self-centered elitist in the country will save a ton of money with single payer..."

Except they won't. Worse, such a system will dismantle the cutting edge medical system we have in place today.

Welfare programs don't increase the middle class, they contract it. Worse, they lead people to abdicate responsibility for their own happiness and well-being -- believing that the government will ultimately provide for them. See also people on roofs during Katrina.

Comment Re:And In Unrelated News... (Score 0) 801

I understand your point, and it is a good one.

However, if we woke up one day, and said -- "everything not in is out," we'd be one short amendment process away from adding things like the Air Force back into the Constitution. Clearly the founding fathers intended for the federal government to provide a national defense. They did not intend, I believe, to provide a national welfare state.

Comment Re:Sorry (Score -1) 123

"...stuff that's valuable to humanity, but costs a lot of money and isn't expected to make a profit."

You have a very strange definition of value. Not surprisingly, you use it when you are spending other people's money.

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