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Comment Re:First.... (Score 2, Interesting) 288

Hey if all the hardcore greenies die off, that will leave plenty more of the Earth's resources for the rest of us, and we could have clean nuclear energy without any issues.

And yes Coal does release more radiation than nuclear. Funnily enough they keep the radiation in the nuclear plant extremely well.
Coal contains radioactive compounds in small quantities, which are then burnt, sent up a chimney and left to spread wherever the air currents want to take them.

Who is so stupid again? The people more educated than yourself?

Comment Re:Still waiting to see 3 things (Score 1) 174

Many Infrared frequencies will quite happily go through rain and fog. Not sure about snow but don't assume all wavelengths are affected the same way.

Anyway its not like a car would try driving anyway with bad data. It would just pull over to the side of the road and say it can't continue, please drive manually.

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