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Comment Re:Wireless Mighty Mouse (Score 1) 519

In case anyone wonders why this is important, the best way to move in WoW is by chording and moving the mouse to turn, like an fps but with the chord replacing ws. Of course, ad are remapped to strafe, and the game has very poor click-to-move support. Edit: One downside to moving using another method besides chording is having to wrap your hands around / for walking and NumLock for autorun.

Comment Beautiful names... (Score 1) 1397

I keep a list of womens'/girls' names I like around for various reasons, and I pull names with appropriate meanings from there. Currently my laptop is Melantha ("dark flower"/black laptop), my PS3 is Integra (as it's hard to get the thing not to act as a media convergence device), and my new (silver) iPod is Seraph. My last iPod was Siren.

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