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Submission + - Apple join the growing number of Nokia licensees (bbc.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: Apple & Nokia ended their 2 year old law suit about mobile technology patents. It seems that Nokia had the strongest arguments as Apple paid an undisclosed amount of money (according to the Dutch NOS news enough to add approx 30% to Nokia's profit for 2011) and both agreed upon using each other's contested patents...

Submission + - Airbus' Vision for 2050. Where's the Cockpit? (wsj.com)

pbahra writes: "Airbus have shed light on what the aircraft of the future will look like and how that could change passengers’ experiences when they fly in 2050 with a flashy computer generated video. Of course, it’s a plane they hope one day to build. So, what does the future hold in the eyes of one of the world’s biggest aircraft manufacturers and would any airline actually buy into an idea where space is provided on an aircraft to play virtual golf? From the video it appears that the cabin crew which greet you and guide you towards the correct aisle have disappeared. Instead, they are replaced by hand-print scanners that check you in and then show images of where your seats are. Airbus believes the futuristic web-like roof, providing panoramic views, will be strong enough to withhold the pressures associated with flight. But have Aibus forgotten one really important feature? None of the video images seem to show where the cockpit may be situated. Perhaps there’s no need for them in Airbus’ eyes, but we think it might be quite important."

Comment So who do I buy drives from now? (Score 1) 153

Almost every HD manufacturer has had their ups and downs with their product with regards to relibility but Samsung have always seemed to me to be one of the better ones; even if their performance doesn't quite match their competitors. Seagate went to shit after they acquired Maxtor so I'm hoping that Samsung will rub off on Seagate and not the other way 'round.


Submission + - Fermilab's data peak that causes excitement (symmetrymagazine.org)

An anonymous reader writes: The physics world was buzzing yesterday, April 6, about the rumor of a discovery at Fermilab’s Tevatron that, according to physicists, could transform all of high energy physics. Fermilab Today published the following summary of the result today.

Comment Re:Burned down transmitter? (Score 1) 108

The problem was, and still is to some extent, that people were blinded by numbers. Televisions would be sold boasting 100 and even 200 vordermans per second (vps), when in reality most people couldn't tell the difference with a 50 vps set. All the time people were being told that high vorderman capability was the future when in reality it was a dead-end technology. I'm not usually an early adopter but when the first vorderman-free TVs came on the market I was first in line.

Submission + - Physics model predicts "extinction of religion"

chrb writes: BBC News is reporting on a new mathematical model that predicts religion becoming extinct in several nations. The American Physical Society paper (available on Arxiv) demonstrates a nonlinear dynamics model for historical census data of nine nations. In all of these nations, the data show a strong decline in the number of people reporting a religious affiliation. The model predicts that the decline will continue, eventually leading to religion all but dying out.

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