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Submission + - Pirate to become Mayor of Prague, Czech Republic (

should_be_linear writes: Winning coalition of 3 parties in Prague local elections formed new city government, with rapidly growing Pirate Party to hold Mayor office for the first time in history. Last year Pirates ended third in Czech parliamentary elections last, becoming major opposition to ruling populist ANO party.

Comment Re:Brexit (Score -1, Flamebait) 491

As an European I am all for it, because Wild West model of Internet currently in use gave us here rise of extreme right-wing nuts, comparable to Trump. Obviously, freedom on Internet looked nice in those times, when proffesors and students chat and shared some data on Usenet and FTP. Now, it is pretty much destroying democracy. Fsck all that and censor fake news to the ground, that is the priority, not movies and music, there is torrent for that. Real problem is millions of mindless internet-informed zombies in polling place.

Comment Redudancy (Score 2) 175

I would prefer it to be 5TB card with lots of redundancy using remaining 123TB, so that data would persist hundreds of years on average. I don't think my family will create more then 5TB of data in our entire lifetime anyway.

Comment Re: An extreme metaphysical position (Score 1) 593

You are wrong. Multiple exactly same copies of the brain are sharing one and the same consciousness. Otherwise you would run into many unsolvable logical problems, when you interchange some atoms among these copies, as when one consciousness "moves" to other brain and when it still remains "here". Accepting, that consciousness is result of computation, not part of physical world is the only solution to this paradoxes.

Comment Re: An extreme metaphysical position (Score 0) 593

Every moment of your conscious life think it is THE actual real present moment, while other moments are mere traces in memory. If you freeze one person, copy it, and move to far away exact copy of Earth, so that both copies of brain live exact same life, to the atomic level, both will share one and the same consciousness, until they divide by some difference. One consciousness on different places and even at completely different time! This means, that your consciousness can be linked to physically existing multiple copies of exact same brain in various places at various times. As soon as they diverge one from another, by random quantum changes firing random neuron, for example, you have equal chance to become any one of them.

Comment Re:Recycle the recyclers (Score 1) 330

Obviously, price tag for ecological destruction of this poor planet is not added on any of those products, especially when it comes to transportation. This also makes new clothes cheaper then old clothes, which is only one instance of general rule that buying new stuff is usually cheaper then fixing existing for even minor problems.

Comment Re:OMG (Score 1) 591

Amazon, Facebook and Google are few companies that will NOT have to pay. Nobody will ever buy internet service that doesn't have these 3 "base" services. Besides, many other services depends on Google and Amazon clouds. Smaller comanies will have to pay for their "place" in cable service, just like TV channels.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
