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Comment Re:ISS studies (Score 1) 137

Depending on who you ask, most prison inmates are already insane, so studies into them may not have generalizability. Also, solitary denies them light, toys, tech, and other things. Not just human contact. In fact, they still get human contact. Depending on location, "solitary" also includes one hour a day outside, as it's otherwise considered cruel. The guards handing off food aren't mutes.

Comment Re:Isolation!? (Score 1) 137

There's a guy who unintentionally got stuck somewhere and didn't see anyone for 70+ days, no ill mental effects. He's not the only one with a simlar story. I remember reading a case from a magazine (pre-Internet, and I'm not finding it, but that one kept popping up), where someone lasted months. At the end, he went a little crazy, but he also hadn't eaten for months, so they attribute the craziness to the lack of eating, not the lack of human companionship.

People don't have to have constant contact with others. It shouldn't be hard to select those from the ample numbers of applicants. When I retire, not having to deal with people on a regular basis will be at the top of the benefit list. I'll just need to get the groceries delivered. With orders to leave them on the doorstep.

Comment Re:Antarctica (Score 1) 137

When the two planets are on opposite sides of the sun (which is what, a period of less than a week happening less than once a year?), a third point will have to be used to "go around", reducing bandwidth and adding to latency, but it's still better than nothing.

I've seen most of the plans indicate a relay sent to Earth's L4 or L5 so that even when on the opposite side of the sun, communications would be uninterpreted, though the delay would be at its peak.

Comment Re:Not a surprise (Score 1) 250

There's no way they can charge you with a new offense AT YOUR TRIAL and then prosecute you for it immediately like that.

When some jackass on the Internet disagrees with reality, I'll go with reality. For a traffic ticket, if you show up, they will generally always let you plea "no lo contendre" and get a fine without conviction. So it won't show up on your record, you don't have to tell your insurance company. Paying the fine is cheaper than fighting.

or it could be that he felt you were a legitimate danger to yourself and to the public and wanted to send you that message.

Of course, he didn't bother to issue a ticket for "careless/reckless" driving. Those usually require a stricter standard for a conviction. If he thought I was a legitimate threat, he should have charged me with it, rather than making up lies to harass someone innocent of the crimes accused.

Comment Re:I'm all for abolishing the IRS (Score 1) 349

This is clear evidence that smoking can cause cancer.

But no proof in a lab, as you require for evolution.

What's more, it has nothing to do with your argument for evolution - its a straw man to prove evolution by dispelling any myths about smoking and cancer. I see no relation between the two.

It has to do with the standard of proof you require for evolution. Proof "in a lab", which hasn't been done for smoking, which you believe in, and hasn't been done for evolution, which you don't believe in.

Your standards of "proof" differ based on your opinion. That makes the entire discussion illogical. I can make arguments for either, but your appeal to logic, then rejection of it is what I'm calling you out on.

I'll tell you what I believe but it matters not for your case of evolution because neither of us have proof either way. Which was my original point.

So your position is "I believe there is no proof, so anything you were to present as proof, I will dismiss without evaluating it." If you were more upfront that you believe Evolution to be false, rather than claiming a false belief that there's a lack of proof for it, it would be easier to ignore you in the first place.

Comment Re:I'm all for abolishing the IRS (Score 1) 349

we can't have a conversation because you apparently believe smoking does not cause cancer

You are wrong on that point, as you apparently are for every belief you hold. It was the first thing that popped into my mind that has *never* been proven in a proper scientific study to be true, while nearly all people believe it to be.

I don't believe smoking causes cancer, I know it does. So your argument doesn't make any sense the way its stated.

Yes, I realize now, no argument makes sense to a True Believer. You don't think that smoking is bad. You have no proof that it's bad. You have a few anecdotes, and a religious devotion to an idea that it's bad. You don't have, or need proof. And that's proof that you single out evolution for a double standard.

That, and evolution has been "proven" in a lab, where new traits have been developed based on environmental pressures. That you refuse to acknowledge reality doesn't change it. Since I haven't bothered to ask, I'll ask just to see your contortions to refuse to answer a direct question,:

Since you don't believe in Evolution, what do you believe is the origin of the species?

Comment Re:I'm all for abolishing the IRS (Score 1) 349

At any rate, you're straw-manning about smoking. I'm guessing you haven't had a close family member die of cancer caused by smoking because you'd understand the realities of it.

Just my aunt, and a few friends, and my father eventually died "early" because he was a smoker, though he didn't die of lung cancer like his sister.

So your answer is that you don't need "proof" for smoking, because you believe in it. But you need a higher standard of proof for evolution because you don't believe in it.

You talk about "proof" but it's all a lie. There is no "proof" that would satisfy you anyway. You are a Believer, not a rational person.

I think you struggle with this (evolution) as your belief but are happy to attack others who have a different belief because you think you have all the facts.

I never stated what I believe. I just called you out on your double standard. You should learn to read what people write, not make up stories in your head.

Comment Re: You have to be careful (Score 1) 173

It's CO law in CO that made the rule, not federal law. So blaming others for your local politicians is a bit silly. (warning PDF, and all that)

So CO made CO's problem. They are banning local people from catching water because they want to sell water for a profit, not because of CA, NV, AZ, NM, TX, NE, or OK.

Comment Re:I'm all for abolishing the IRS (Score 1) 349

It's not a sexual term. That you are an uneducated troll (or is that redundant) doesn't change the meaning. Next, you'll argue that my cupboard isn't a cub-board because it holds plates. Your lack of knowledge isn't a strong foundation for an argument against others.

But I'll answer your question anyway since your level of mental understanding is so low. Smoking does cause harm, it has been proven. I can't seem to relay this concept to you in a way that you understand so I chose to skip it before.

It has never been proven "in a lab" that it does (in humans). So you hold one standard for smoking, and a different higher standard for evolution. Why? That's the question that I've been asking. I don't care about the smoking one, and haven't asked you the question you answered. Why do you hold one to a different standard?

Comment Re:I'm all for abolishing the IRS (Score 1) 349

But I won't digress to calling you a hypocrite or other names.

You believe smoking causes harm. You don't believe in evolution. Yet smoking harm has never met the standard you require for evolution. I asked why, and when you dodged the question in a course of mental masturbation around a bush, I pointed out this discrepency. I apologize if you can't take an honest criticism of your argument. I see now that honesty and truth offend. You've not given any, and you've wretched when any is presented to you.

Comment Re:You have to be careful (Score 1) 173

Where I live now, catching rainwater is required by law. But in areas of the US, catching the rainwater that falls on your roof is illegal. Colorado river basin being one such area, at least for those in Colorado. I haven't followed all the laws in the area I don't live. But some are pretty wacky.

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