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Comment Re:Tablet support? (Score 1) 161

You're being a little Linux biased there -- I think the OP was referring to tablet support on windows. And I believe that it is broken in Qt 5 on windows. (I'd be happy to be wrong on this.)

Comment I'm More concerned... (Score 3, Insightful) 1009

I'm more concerned about this trend to solder RAM onto boards (Apple, I'm looking at you here.) -- RAM goes bad over time -- a shockingly short time. (google the papers (by google) about RAM failure rates, and what they do after 18 months). After a couple of years error rates go up -- way up. (ECC would very definitely be your friend here, but intel only makes it available on xeon series chips (the circuitry is there but fused off in consumer grade chips) )

My experience has been that after 24 months, you should just toss the ram dimms in the trash and start with new ones -- and you might as well max out the ram at that point. Otherwise the machine starts getting flaky as soft and uncorrected errors happen with increasing frequency.

Comment Re:not really practical application (Score 1) 118

Yes -- Ground Effect will be significantly in play while the craft is within 0.5 of a wingspan/rotor span of the ground -- but it does drop off fairly quickly as you increase distance. It's hard to say with a craft like that just when GE stops having a strong effect -- but judging from those videos, It's likely not nearly enough once you're past 50 to 100cm. The Sikorsky prize specifies 3 M off the ground for 60 seconds. I doubt that human powered craft will achieve that any time soon.

Comment Re:Offshore testing (Score 1) 630

My team works like this, and it is very effective. You get bug reports while the code is still very fresh in your mind. So I agree that there are significant productivity benefits to having a QA team 12 hours or so out of sync with your developers.

But it in the area of development things are a bit more mixed. My team has a number of developers in the far east, and a few in Europe too. They are all outstanding engineers. But the costs of the pure labor are equalizing fast. There is little and diminishing cost advantages to off-shoring development. In a few more years there will likely be no place left where there is a significant talent pool of skilled and educated software engineers that are appreciably cheaper than they are in North America or Europe.

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