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Comment Re:No, it's a rational choice. (Score 1) 300

No! No! You're talking too much sense!

Look, you have to pay top dollar for top talent... in the financial industry.

People who educate your kids? Lousy unionized crumbums! Cut their pensions! Cut their pay! What's that you say, top dollar for top talent? That only counts for the overclass.

Comment And I thought I hated the NFL and MLB (Score 0) 268

It seems like there's a threshold for human organizations beyond which the probability of turning into complete fucking assholes approaches 1. Grow a religion big enough and it becomes assholes in funny hats, just like the Catholics. Grow a software company big enough and it's chair-throwing assholes with buggy operating systems. Grow a sport big enough and they take something that's supposed to be about having a good time and ruin everyone else's time.

Put the IOC on the terrorism watch list.

Comment Re:Successful ad campaign is successful (Score 4, Funny) 244

People would have said they liked the new fully cornerless design and swirly textures. Brown is obviously the new white (or black) and you have to be impressed by the new smell feedback technology. It's soft and warm to the touch as well, making it comfortable to hold.

But being Apple it wouldn't be compatible with a genetic anus, it'll be proprietary.

Comment Why the hate for LOTR movies? (Score 1) 303

There were a few things that didn't quite work but I'd give the movies an overall 95%. Some of the cuts made for the theatrical version had better pacing than the extended versions.

Pretty much the only things that felt out of place were how awful the ring felt when worn since Bilbo wouldn't have handled it so casually if he was seeing the lidless eye the whole time and the portrayal as Sauron being a scary lighthouse. Oh, and I really thought Weaving was poorly cast as Agent Elrond. Great actor but not a good fit for an elf-lord.

I saw the movies before I read the books. They aren't perfect, there are flaws, but they still represent an achievement of imagination.

What someone else above said about stories being living things, yes. The movies are PJ's telling of Rings. Don't like it? The book's still there. Blind Guardian did a concept album, Nightfall in Middle-Earth. Don't like euro-metal? Then you can still enjoy the Zeppelin material inspired by Rings.

Comment Re:Just switch to USB (Score -1, Flamebait) 427

USB lacks video & audio out as well as other feature connectors. So its one custom connector, or several standard ones. Apple wants fewer connectors, so a custom one is used. Not a big deal really.

Apple apologists will mod me down but screw it. This is completely asinine. A very tiny minority of of the install base ever uses those features. Miniscule. Infinitesimal. The next thing to non-existent.

Call it for what it is: Apple making a stubborn, frustrating decision that you cannot argue with, cannot debate, can only decide whether you'll begrudgingly accept it or buy something else. That's the truth of it. Painting it as anything else is lying.

Apple's one of the signatories of the micro-usb for cell phones standard. How are they weasel-dicking their way out of it now?


Comment Re:Online Multiplayer (Score 4, Insightful) 148


It's a pretty thoughtful article written by someone who enjoys video games.

As for my personal preference, I don't have a lot of time for games so I don't find beating my head against a wall to get past a boss to be all that rewarding. This coming from someone who used to do just that on platformers.

I think it's just a process of changing tastes. I remember when I didn't like to read books without pictures. I remember when black and white movies didn't have enough going on to sustain my attention. Would any teenager appreciate a reflective story about the loss of youth the way someone in their 40's regretting past mistakes would?

I think there's room for games aimed at adults, it's just that the market isn't yet willing to go there. It's sort of like people thinking women don't like porn. Hello? Romance novels? They love porn. You're just doing it wrong.

Comment Re:All of them, huh? (Score 2) 157

There's only a handful of signature villains who are interesting.

The Joker, obviously, but he's ironically of limited use because you quickly run into "why doesn't Bats just kill him already?" territory.

Catwoman has the potential for an interesting dynamic because she's not evil and is mainly about being an incomplete Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and then not giving to the poor. :) So while she's technically a criminal, she's more of a foil. Batman uses his training to serve others, she uses her training to serve herself.

The Penguin is a really stupid concept from top to bottom. A fat FDR with lethal trick umbrellas?

The Riddler is even dumber. Doesn't have any powers, just an obsession with being an annoying prat. How is Batman even taking more than a half hour to defeat him?

Two-Face, he's just nutso. Insanity isn't a superpower.

After that you have to move into villains who have bad science superpowers. Freeze, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy. Then there's Jeff Dunham with a mobster dummy, I mean WTF? Some fucking idiot who does calendar crimes. It gets dumber and dumber from there on out.

In reality, nobody escapes from supermax. Bats puts someone away, he stays put away. But if Batman's reality is that any prison can be escaped, he'd better kill those villains dead or else more people will die. Do that and you don't have a story. Don't do that and you have a wallbanger plot hole.

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