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UK ISPs Are Censoring Wikipedia 668

Concerned Wikipedian writes "Starting December 4th, Wikipedia administrators noticed a surge of edits from certain IP addresses. These IPs turned out to be the proxies for the content filters of at least 6 major UK ISPs. After some research by Wikipedians, it appears that the image of the 1970s LP cover art of the Scorpions' 'Virgin Killer' album has been blocked because it was judged to be 'child pornography,' and all other attempts to access Wikimedia foundation sites from these ISPs are being proxied to only a few IP addresses. This is causing many problems for Wikipedia administrators, because much of the UK vandalism now comes from a single IP, which, when blocked, affects potentially hundreds of thousands of anonymous users who intend no harm and are utterly confused as to why they are no longer able to edit. The image was flagged by the the Internet Watch Foundation, which is funded by the EU and the UK government, and has the support of many ISPs and online institutions in the UK. The filter is fairly easy to circumvent simply by viewing the article in some other languages, or by logging in on the secure version of Wikipedia."

Comment Re:It's recycled (Score 1) 225

This is not true whatsoever of game code, which is the primary matter at hand. Rarely does a game company write a new engine from scratch, even when they want a very different version. E.g. Quake III is based on Quake II is based on Quake I, UT3 is based on UT2k4 is based on UT2k3 (can't remember the UTE version numbers).

Comment Re:Recycled Code (Score 2, Insightful) 225

When you're talking about game engines, however, recycling code isn't just an option, it's a necessity. You're not going to rewrite half a million lines of code if you don't have to -- it makes no sense. You update the engine, add new logic, and package it with new assets to release a new game. It's the only way that makes sense.

Comment Re:I'm slightly astonished (Score 4, Interesting) 384

I'm no DRM fan (I've been working against it for years, e.g. El Tunes and PyMusique), but there's no reason that it'd cause these problems, outside of the authorization problems. Once the game has started, the most the DRM will be doing is decrypting game code, if it's not decrypted entirely at loadtime.

Comment Re:...OR TURNITIN.com (appeal this week) (Score 1) 532

This is bullshit. They're not making money off of the copyrighted works of students, they're making money off of their algorithms. Google is only good because they have sites to index, but it's their indexing code that makes that possible. Google indexes copyrighted materials, should they be compensating siteowners?

Comment Re:Hold your horses (Score 2, Informative) 217

Many, many engines support OpenGL. id tech 4 (Doom 3, Quake 4, Prey, etc) was pure OpenGL, Unreal's engine is always D3D and OGL, etc. The only big engine that doesn't support OGL is Source; even stock Gamebryo supports it, although many games opt not to ship with it (e.g. Oblivion, Morrowind (back when it was NetImmerse)) since they make internal changes and don't care about maintaining OGL support.

Comment Re:Linux drivers? (Score 2, Insightful) 115

Once you've reverse-engineered a hardware interface, it's rarely difficult to reverse the next iteration. The basic functionality is usually the same, it's just a slightly different version. The bigger issues are jailbreaking the new device, getting to the point where you can replace the bootloader, etc.

FSF-Sponsored gNewSense 2.1 Released 413

An anonymous reader writes "gNewSense, the fully-free GNU/Linux distribution sponsored by the FSF, has released a 2.1 live CD (torrent). Since the last release, more non-free binary blobs have been removed, new artwork has been added and lots of other improvements have been made. It's also two years since the first edition of gNewSense, and in that time an impressive ten live CDs have been released! gNewSense 2.1 DeltaH is based on Ubuntu Hardy, and removes non-free software that other distributions don't." I wonder if gNewSense can be easily installed on an OLPC XO the way several other distros can.

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