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Comment Re:A message to Adora Svitak (Score 1) 155

At 17 years of age, you do not have enough life experience to say anything of real importance about anything involving the greater issues facing society. Incidentally, What Adults Can Learn From Kids ~ {null}, which is why society would function much more smoothly if the voting age were raised back to 25.

Wow! That's mean. As a 40 year old myself, I've learnt a lot from my and other kids. I wonder whether you, Anonymous Coward, have enough life experience to back up your claims?

Comment Re:Yawn ... (Score 1) 167

I have yet to be convinced that any of these vendors can provide as much uptime and reliability as a decent IT department

A good place to start would be getting the numbers. Do you know any numbers about uptime of web-servers maintained by IT departments?

Comment Re:Even Donations Come with Obligations (Score 1) 473

If it is truly single player why would you need a network connection? If the changes are made centrally then there is no need for an always-on connection: just provide optional updates from time to time.

It sounded to me as if (1) yes they are providing updates from time to time, and that "time to time" is every time you do a commercial transaction. (2) why do they need the network connection? I assume because it was lower-risk for them and their schedule to use the same economy engine than to develop two separate economy engines.

Maybe they discovered that their economic engine felt a bit lackluster unless there are huge numbers of participants (reminds me of Ultima Online) and they wanted to force there to be a higher number of participants, both single-player and multi-player. So they're forcing everyone to contribute to make the economy engine feel more realistic.

Comment Re:Even Donations Come with Obligations (Score 2) 473

Now you are going to be sharing the galaxy with immature, adolescent school kids and any unusual features you will ascribe to a human moderator putting them there. It's going to have more similarity to Eve Online than Elite.

Why do you say that? They clearly state that they will have single- and multi-player. And they say that single-player requires an online connection so it gets a gradually evolving galaxy. That sounds more like automatically-downloaded DLC, entirely different from "sharing the galaxy".

Comment Re:Wow Frontier Sure Can Shovel It (Score 2) 473

It took a while for me to decode all that marketing speak to figure out that they were canning single player.

How did you get that? What I understood was that single-player still exists, but it requires an internet connection and is in a galaxy that steadily evolves. Here's what they actually said:

it does mean the single player has to connect to the server from time to time, but this has the added advantage that everyone can participate in the activities that can happen in the galaxy

So: their statement is that single player exists, and it's in an evolving galaxy, sort of like implicit/automatic DLC.

Comment Re:"Just pay extra..." (Score 1) 473

Honestly, your complaints seem totally ridiculous.

I'm in the same boat as you. I paid an initial kickstarter fee. I enjoy seeing screenshots and videos. And when the game comes out then I'll get a copy of it at no extra cost. That's what kickstarter is.

If you're "fatigued" by their requests for more backing? If you're upset that you don't get access to the beta without paying for more money? First world problems, a.k.a. "whining".

Comment Re:Brutal Load Times (Score 2) 525

I thought .NET cached its JIT images. Is this mistaken? If not, what's really new in .NET Native?

JIT has to be done very quickly. Therefore it's purely local (method-by-method) rather than cross-method. Also even within a method it only has time to do simple easy optimizations. NGEN is a way to do JIT ahead of time. But it still only uses the same JIT algorithm, i.e. doesn't do heavy-duty optimization.

Also, .NET Native does build-time generation of interop and serialization code. .NET Native uses the VisualC++ compiler backend, benefitting from its long history of optimizations. All this adds up to massive perf benefits - in some apps, 50% cold startup time improvements, 85% reduction in .NET startup costs.

Comment Re:Brutal Load Times (Score 4, Interesting) 525

.NET applications still need read about 1GB of libraries from the disk (only portions are kept in memory). This is why .NET applications are so brutally slow to load. Will this improve?

.NET Native speeds up startup times considerably. The way it works is it compiles your .NET app into native code, does whole-program optimization, and "shakes out" all the bits of the framework that aren't actually even needed by your code. (.NET Native is still under development, and currently available in preview form for store apps)

disclaimer: I'm on the .NET team (in particular on the VB/C# language team)

Comment Re:Open, but will it run? (Score 5, Interesting) 525

In concept making the .NET framework open source sounds cool. But, does making it open source mean that I can make a change to the framework, recompile it, distribute the binary framework along with my dependent application, and expect that someone else can just install my version of the framework and be good?

Yes exactly that. Imagine you wanted to change System.Xml.dll. You'd do that, and distribute your modified version of the binary alongside your app. (You won't be installing the binary framework system-wide; you'll only be distributing your updates to it locally).

disclaimer: I'm on the VB/C# language team.

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