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Comment Re:Money won't fix the problem (Score 1) 161

Irelands cattle also produce a large quantity of methane and is also facing a reduction in the national herd in order to reduce carbon emissions.

Thats going to cost Irish farmers and the reduction will not mean more imported beef from argentina, otherwise it's pointless.

We are all going to have to eat less beef and it's going to cost more due to the reduced production.

Comment Re:Betteridge's law of headlines applies (Score 1) 293

Weather forecasts need to be reasonably accurate and the closer to the production time the better they are. within the European system there are 4 markets for 24hours from 11pm the first auction is set up 12 hours before delivery is due to start, the next auction is 6 hours later then there is another auction to adjust for the last 12 hours and a final auction for the last 6hours. Each refines the position of the energy suppliers within the period. Wind is pretty good but for grid stability its currently limited to around 65% of the energy required to balance the grid.

Weather forecasts are recalculated every half hour to an hour and the mix of what types of generator runs changes to match the demand, it always has.

Comment Re:I seem to remember an episode of Doctor who (Score 1) 111

Electricity Generation pretty much costs about a $1,000,000 a MegaWatt on average to setup. You need 100MW capacity it will cost about 100 Million you want 5MW then its around 5 million. The cost of generating differs but thats the sort of capital cost you are looking at.

Comment Oxford Astrazeneca is worse (Score 1) 301

A few days ago a couple of friends who have been vaccinated with the Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine have both tested positive for Covid 19.

One has Cold like symptoms , the other more of a chest infection. They will probably be ok.

It looks like Oxford Astrazeneca is around 63% effective, So Pfizer vaccine seems the better option.

Still it hammers home the point the vaccines are not cures but an attempt to reduce the severity of the infection. The numbers of infected people are going up and I think the UK is trying again for herd immunity by letting it infect widely in the summer amongst mostly young healthy people so less die in the winter. Some might say its more reopen the economy and sod the consequences.

Seems if you don't want to become infected you need to mitigate the risk and that's still handwashing , social distancing and masks in enclosed spaces. It does seem we are better off to be in the fresh air, rather than indoors, the contracting of covid 19 appears to be negligible outside.

As a strategy keep on doing what we have been doing seems to be best and lets see how the UKs science experiment goes down.

Comment Re: Consistency (Score 2) 113

ios double click on the home button brings up an app switcher or alternatively ask siri and you will be switched to that app. e.g "open google maps" with the relatively cramped phone UI the less navigation the better so you can concentrate on what you are doing. Basically any iPhone from a 6 upwards works well. Can't say the same with android phones, i really got sick of forced close and this app is not responding. Higher end android should be better.

you also find apple devices work well together. I have patchy cell phone coverage at home and being able to leave my phone in a room with coverage and take calls on my iPad is useful.

I still have some android devices but they are buggy although i have 2 or 3 apps that are only on android. I guess i'm not so typical as I use linux osx and windows.

Comment Chrome plugin available (Score 1) 45

Ok Apple has removed it from their app store but there is a chrome plugin and I like it.

It doesn't just work on product pages but also on your purchase history page and it seems fairly accurate on the rating. It also has a feature which rates the product reviews and it analysed some of mine. I'm pleased to say at least one was rated as most authentic.

This is a useful tool, but what do they gain from it? Do they get affiliate links when you buy?

Comment Re:And what if an court forces YouTube to relist l (Score 1) 172

To be fair not all of it is fully automatic, but it's an option to have the video muted where the copyright disputed music is and as the uploader thats an automatic option. Adding subtitles would be more work.

Copyright claims can be challenged , I have had licensed music challenged and the claim by the third party withdrawn.

Anyway this scheme has failed big time as a search for taylor swift gives this story as the top result. Maybe the deputy didn't realise that copyright claims can be flexible. Even if it gets before a court, there is still a fair use defense. There is also a case for unlicensed use by the deputy...

Comment Re:And what if an court forces YouTube to relist l (Score 1) 172

Yes that is true, but it is dependant on the copyright owner what happens.

In the majority of cases the video is demonetized, which means it stays up and the copyright holder get any ad revenue from this video on Youtube.

In some circumstances the copyright holder will let it slide, especially if it's going to upset the fan base. Although that doesn't mean they don't take action a few months later.

second option e.g something Don Henley has a copyright claim on (he is well known for this) The Video gets pulled and then gets reuploaded without the infringing music and probably with subtitles in the silent spaces.

For an artist like Taylor Swift this would also likely incur negative publicity, although Scooter Braun maybe the copyright owner as he bought the rights to her back catalogue.

Comment FBA combats seller fraud (Score 1) 171

I was in the market for a camera recently and there were several sellers with prices too good to be true and the seller basically would try to get you to buy by bank transfer from them and even then it might be an italian vendor wanting you to pay into a spanish bank.

Amazon doesn't really police its third party vendors, one that i reported went from 100's of products in a lot of different areas. Had 1 product (a tape gun) left on sale. This was the one item they had that was fulfilled by Amazon. Some of the less fraudulent sellers claim to have stock relatively local and take a month to ship as it's coming direct from China along with a non disclosed customs duty.

With Brexit being a thing a lot of UK traders are struggling to sell into Europe but they can ship a number of products into Amazon warehouses in European fulfillment centres meaning fast shipping and no surprises for EU to EU trade. Being as I live in Ireland, if it's a product directly fulfilled by a trader it often comes as "cannot be shipped to your delivery location."

Then you get the dud items Amazon will take them back with few questions asked if any. Sure beats the chinese sellers that want expensive return shipping or suggest you sell the item to a friend. If I buy without prime from other Amazon stores they are not all priced the same the shipping cost is still reasonable.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 184

There is a maximum percentage of wind that can go on the grid and keep it stable Once this is reached the Wind generation has to be curtailed. Some could go to battery storage and be used to support the grid frequency but even then there are limits to how much that can be stored. Such a site could be a good location for cryptocurrency mining.

Comment Re:Long time Thinkpad Mint user being forced to Ma (Score 1) 105

Well the terminal is pretty much the same as on linux. The odd thing is applications are folders with various fies inside which makes applications self contained, there is the Library which has a folder called application support. It's quite linux like once you are not looking at the gui.

Comment Re:Brazilian, Indian UK ect ...variant, only a lab (Score 1) 198

When George Carlin said something like 'how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.' He never imagined that latter Trump would refer to them his base.

Still it's not over yet, there is still a chance of bleach in the gene pool and a raise in the average IQ, when they don't comply with basic measures to limit risk of exposure.

Comment Brazilian, Indian UK ect ...variant, only a label. (Score 2) 198

To be quite honest the main questions are which Vaccines are effective against each strain.

All these names do is a shorthand as to who is on the frontline for these strains. It's not blame if anything it's sympathy.

The Brazilian strain for example seems more deadly for younger people, pretty much all people want to know is which vaccines are effective and which are spreading in our own countries and neighboring countries.

Only the terminally stupid would think a particular variant will only be found in a particular group

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