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Comment Re:I wonder how many names they got (Score 1) 53

I think it makes sense for everyone to wear a Google location tag on their clothing in case they forgot their phone at home. Even better yet it could be implanted under the skin. That way you wouldn't forget to attach it. Just need VC funding it make it a reality!

They were way way ahead of you even back in 1967.


Comment Re:Time to sue Ring (Score 2) 112

oh sorry Amazon into the gutter.
This sort of thing is just why I won't allow any IoT S**t in my home. Security is a total afterthought.

Slow down there, Cowboy! We're all supposed to blame the randos that take advantage of an obviously flawed, insecure-by-design system and be outraged at *them* but definitely *not* those who designed, manufactured, marketed, and sold them.

But Epstein still didn't kill himself.


Comment Re:Damn... (Score 0) 117

You want to be able to do that with a printer? No way. The tolerances are too unrealistic to the point where actual Fabs require custom solutions to counter the effects of micro seismic activity.

Even given a string of miraculous tech advances making it possible to design and make processors, etc that compare to the existing commercial tech in a garage and assuming such became widespread or had the potential to become widespread, both corporate and government powers would ban it's use under all but the most limited, controlled, and monitored conditions. It would pose an enormous global threat to corporate economic interests as well as government interests in both national security against foreign threats and their ability to monitor and control their citizens.


Comment Re:Welcome to nanny-tube (Score 2, Insightful) 152

Yeah, it's like we as a society have decided that psychological predators and molesters have no place in our civilization. Amen! May they get the mental wellness care they so clearly need as the wrongful outlets for their disorderly hatreds close the doors and withdraw the welcome mats. Let them be shunned into submission.

Isn't one highly-censored & controlled Chinese internet and social credit system in the world enough?


Comment Re:He didn't appreciate the "porn stash" nickname (Score -1, Troll) 13

How would anyone have noticed that a guy from Saudi Arabia with access to a military base, who got insulted and lodged an official complaint against the Navy and then bought a handgun? It is asking too much.

Precisely! They've been swamped, what with subpoenaing journalist's and a senator's phone records on a fishing expedition and then lying in a statement about what they found. That's not to mention all the work and stress enforcing the new incremental step in banning private firearm ownership, "red flag" laws. And, have you ever tried to manage building a semi-covert partnership between the government and multinational multi-billion dollar mega-corps to construct workarounds for that pesky constitution in the US? That's a bear!

Violating all those civil rights on such a massive scale while building a corporate-government-media semi-fascist tech oligarchy takes a lot of manpower & resources! Protecting the plebs? Ain't nobody got time for dat!! /s

And Epstein didn't kill himself.


Whistleblower: Someone who says he talked to a guy who said he overheard two guys in a restaurant talking about another person who said someone we don't like did something bad.

Comment Re:This is why... (Score 0) 188

The nuclear power generation industry couldn't operate without subsidies

...Because of Leftist activists and NIMBYs using lawfare and extreme regulation to drive the costs to many times the base cost. Nice, lawsuit and regulate them to death and then attack them for needing subsidies.

...doesn't have a plan for long-term management of its waste...

That's factually incorrect. There have been a number of plans proposed, many quite sound and secure, and even recycling the waste down to a relatively harmless state.

Be honest. There are plans, just not ones you approve of, and I suspect, no plan would ever get your approval because muh nuklur radeashunz.

Well, if you don't want nuclear power get ready for a lot more CO2-generating power plants to be built. All those new electric vehicles, automation, robotics, etc coming on line over the next decade will combine to create a massive new demand for more electricity. Renewables can help but they cannot carry more than a fraction of the projected new demand and they (other than hydroelectric generation) are generally very inefficient for carrying base load.

Of course we could all join Weird Al Yankovic in his Amish Paradise. Hey, we'd save a ton on shaving supplies! LOL


Comment Re:No (Score 3, Interesting) 164

I read than on CNN, but where did they actually get that story from?" and having a chain that stores all the stories and their source stories has value for that

It would be nice if we could see all the raw material that CNN collected, and of which they only showed a few carefully selected snippets. But they will never agree to do that, with or without a blockchain.

"I had it all!...I had Clinton!" [Story Killed]

And Epstein didn't kill himself.


Comment Re:Is policing not regulated? (Score 0) 93

Why are they adopting spy tech, using FBI databases, trying to do crime prediction, and using bogus software like this on their own discretion? Does no one set standards or review the new methods they adopt? It seems as though they arbitrarily do whatever they want and ask forgiveness later if it causes harm. Are the FBI and the Department of Justice actually doing anything to test new policing methods? How can there be tests of this system that say it's bogus yet police departments are free to use it? Might as well ask Jesus who is guilty or roll the dice.

"Who watches the watchers" is a very good question. There is a serious lack of oversight and accountability among US law enforcement.

In some areas of the US in multiple local departments simply walking in and requesting a complaint form can end in harassment, arrest, violence, and a raft of "annoyed a cop" charges.

If you don't believe that the same attitudes exist from the top to the bottom then you're sadly mistaken.


Comment Re: Facebook won't fix it (Score 1) 80

Hypothetically speaking, would you change your mind if a foreign government were using said platform to manipulate our free and open society in a negative way? FFS our own government propagandizing us is bad enough...

It's not the fact that there are, have been, and always will be those who seek to spread lies and propaganda, as long as opposing voices are allowed to speak freely (other than calls for violence/criminal acts, etc) the problem is on average largely self-correcting. It's only when people are not allowed to speak freely and openly do the lies and propaganda become truly dangerous.


Comment Re:Facebook won't fix it (Score 1, Insightful) 80

Facebook won't fix it


It's not Facecrook's job to determine what is truth and what is not as they are a platform and not a publisher...right? That is the job of each individual person to judge for themselves what is and what is not true & accurate.

If it disturbs you to read and see things not approved by the corporate-media-government complex then move somewhere like China or N. Korea where they love that shit, the US is not for you.

Freedom and an open society are messy and involve risks. You can have individual freedom and an open society or you can have safety.

Pick one.


Comment Re:When Obama uses 'Big Data' (Score 1) 11

MSM: *SWOON* When Trump uses 'Big Data' MSM:*SCREECH*

"Rules for thee but not for me!" has been the modus operandi of Leftists everywhere since ever. I would actually find it far more shocking if they actually took a public stand on principle when it didn't favor their side.

Well, Leftists do tend to think & act based on emotions and emotions are fleeting, so I suppose it makes a sort of logical sense that their principles are just as fleeting; changing, ebbing, and flowing with their changing emotions from moment to moment. It all seems very shallow of thought and intellect. I don't hate Leftists personally, I view them much the same as damaged children whose bodies have matured but sadly not their minds (which is probably not far from the truth).


Comment Re:Except that they didn't (Score 1) 407

You know what is funny, for kicks I decided to look up the scientist highlighted in that video you linked. Guess what hypothesis he no longer believes in. Almost as if he was practicing science.

Here [], click the source link to read it yourself, unless you will not see....

Also, you might not want to throw so many stones when he gives you a study citing overall media coverage, and you shoot back with one network tv program.

That exactly makes my point. Scientists are often wrong. What makes you think that they won't change their mind *this* time? Remember, many millions of lives, great human suffering, and mass economic struggle will be unavoidable in implementing the depth & breadth of changes to have any hope of affecting the global climate. Is the certainty enough to condemn masses of people to poverty, death, and a 3rd-world quality of life?

Extraordinary claims that come with extraordinary costs in human lives requires extraordinary certainty of both the danger and the solution.


Comment Re:Except that they didn't (Score 0, Troll) 407

In the 1960s and early 1970s the looming threat wasn't Global Warming but, in fact, Global Cooling!

No it wasn't.

Yes, yes it was.

'None so blind...' and all that I suppose, particularly when acknowledging seeing what others are seeing threatens your agendas and worldviews.


Comment 50-Year-Old Climate Models Correctly Predicted (Score 0, Troll) 407

Yeah, well my 80 year old grandfather predicted it, too, and decades before these jokers were born.

"You damned youngsters with that loud music will burn in hell!"

There are thousands of old papers and studies predicting all sorts of shit, global warming, global cooling, mass extinctions, global famines, pandemics, and a million other things. If you use a big enough shotgun, a pellet or two will almost always find the bulls-eye, and even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

The spirit of Goebbels' work is still alive and thriving. This is a meaningless propaganda scare piece written for getting clicks and pushing ideological & political agendas, nothing more.


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