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Comment Re: Never attribute to stupidity (Score 1) 580

You know, we could regard this as the act of war it is.


We didn't go to war with North Korea when they murdered American soldiers in the 1970s with axes. We didn't go to war with North Korea when they fired missiles over our allies. We didn't go to war with North Korea when one of their ships torpedoed an alliance partner and killed some of their sailors. You're going to tell me we're now going to go to war because a Sony exec described Angelina Jolie as a diva? It's not happening.

The proper response to this will be left as an exercise for the reader.

Comment Re:Not a cargo ship (Score 1) 116

And the difference between a ship and a barge is a bit pedantic here. It's going to fit under the category of 'restricted mobility vessel' which means that , if you are captaining another ship, you have to give this monster right of way.

Of course, you would be perfectly insane to try to play chicken with it, no matter what you are piloting.

Comment Re:Not a cargo ship (Score 3, Interesting) 116

Well,technically it's a ship, I think. A quick search did not answer the question as to whether it is self powered. If it is, it's a ship (certainly not a 'cargo' ship). If it isn't it is a barge according to maritime right-of-way rules.

It's friggin large whatever you want to call it.

Funny, Shell is going to spent $20 BILLION or so on this thing for a 25 year lifespan (and perhaps another 25 with a whole lot of refurb). That's a lot of solar panels, insulation, wind mills and hell, even a nuclear plant or two.....

Comment Re:Compression and cooling (Score 1) 116

What I wonder is how long it will be before some mega rich person(s) decides to build a semi-permanent offshore city, not so much a rig, more a case of a huge boat that is actually anchored to the ground and you take boats TO it.
There'd be loads of technical hurdles, but given the sheer size of such a construction, the issues of waves would be lesser, more so if it is designed properly to deal with them. (not to mention the use of large-scale wave guides similar in design to metamaterials, which is being tested on some oil rigs last I remember)

Somebody even wrote up a technical manual about this.

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