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Comment Re: Liberty (Score 2) 609

I thought I knew the difference between a bakery and a church. Except maybe when the church does a bake sale...

So, the pastor can abstain from doing business with a paying customer due to his religion, but the baker cannot abstain from the same due to his religion. Seems like an arbitrary distinction to me.

Here's a real question:

What if your mosque was selling pencils?

Comment Re:This is a great example. (Score 1) 144

I wouldn't worry about AI, at least for a very long time. We are not going to see it in an electronic digital computer.

Oh, you'll be able to fool me; you could probably do that now. But real free will in a machine, that is simply a complex array of electric switches? Don't get your hopes up.

Or fear, actually, instead of hope...

Comment Re:Lemme ask you this ... (Score 1) 500

"I think that they'd actually be worse than the retreads, for the most part."

Why would you think that? Based on what the establishment has told you about them? By the time we are even aware of them, the narrative seems to be already set.

And yes, I knew you meant Bernie. Speaking of him specifically, as a conservative, I'd vote for him over any current Dem and most of the current Republicans. Those people are exactly the same; a vote for them is saying you love things just the way they are.

What we need is a really good politician. Bill Clinton was a decent politician, and Reagan was pretty good.

Those are about the only two I can think of in my lifetime that were good at the job of being a politician.

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